Secrets | R. Lupin

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"You'll never believe what I just saw!" Sirius yelled, waltzing into the common room. I followed in behind him.

"Leave it, Sirius! It's not some big deal!" I pleaded.

"Yes it is!"

"What's going on?" Remus asked. I sighed and took a seat next to him on the couch. He closed his book.

"Nothing!" I stated.

"Oh, you wish it was nothing!" Sirius teased. "Pretty little (y/n) here just got asked out by Davey Gudgen!" I rolled my eyes.

"It's not like I said yes!"

"You didn't?" Remus asked. I turned to look at him.

"How could you not! He's such a hunk!" James interrupted, laughing through his words.

"Oh, please," I sighed.

Peter piped up then. "Do you like someone else?"

"If I did, I wouldn't tell you lot," I stated.

"Then there is someone!" Sirius butt in. I just rolled my eyes.

"What about you, James?" I said, trying to shift the focus. I did not want the boys messing with that part of my life. Especially considering my crush was in the room.

"We all know who I like. It's no fun to pick on me for it."

"He's right," Sirius said.

"That's why we need focusing on you now, Padfoot."

"As if I'd like anyone in this school. No offense, (y/n)."

"None taken." I looked at Remus again. He seemed uncomfortable with the conversation. He had gone back to sticking his face in his book.

"Moooooonnyyy! It's your turn," James teased. "Who's the special girl in your heart?"

"I'm not entertaining this."

"Why not? Don't want anyone knowing your little secret? What's so bad with the specific people in this room knowing? Just say it!"

"Maybe he's afraid of what someone in this room might say," Sirius added. James turned to the one person in the room who was giving him what he wanted. Attention.

"It could be that someone in this room might know the person he likes! They might know them very well!"

Remus didn't say another word. He kept his eyes locked downward. I saw the real distress on his face.

"Sod off, Potter," I groaned. "You're not being funny. Can't you tell he's upset?" James looked over his shoulder at me and then back at Remus.

"Uh, I'm sorry, Moony. We were just..."

Remus nodded weakly. "It's fine, Prongs. I'm fine." He gathered his books together. "I should get going. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

He stood to leave. He stopped next to me for a moment. I wished that I could read him better. I wished that he would just talk to me. He continued out of the room.

"What was that all about?" I asked. James sunk down into the couch next to me, kicking his feet up.

"You know how he gets around this time of the cycle," Sirius said.

"But it's not normally this bad," I added. Sirius shrugged. "You guys tease him too much."

"We tease you the same amount," Sirius defended.

"Well (y/n), you should go try to get whatever it is out of him." James was looking at me. I scoffed. "What?"

"What makes you think he'd talk to me rather than you or Sirius?"

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