"No fucking way." Dan stated as he stared into his driveway. This is a game changer.

"You like it I guess?" Phil asked with his hands in his pockets. Dan could tell Phil wanted his approval.

"I love it. I would never get on it... but I love it?"

The brand new green motorcycle sat propped against Dan's garage door. A few days ago, Phil decided to finally sell his old, beat up Toyota and use his savings to buy this motorcycle.

"What do you mean you won't get on it? I brought it here so we could go for a ride! Here-" Phil tossed Dan a helmet. "I even got you a helmet!"

"No no no no I will not get on that thing. Do you know how many deaths happen from motor cycle accidents every year?" Dan backed away with his hands up as a shield.

"You have to trust me Dan."

Phil placed the helmet on to the ground and walked over to Dan. He slowly wrapped his arms around Dan's waist and pulled him into him. Phil looked at Dan until Dan met his eyes.

"You know I would never let anything hurt you right?"

"Of course I do but accidents are called accidents for a reason. You can't control them."

Phil kissed the top of Dan's head.

"You know this gives you adrenaline right?" Phil grinned. Dan nodded.

"You know that I'm going to make you go on this motorcycle with me right?"

Dan crossed his arms and pouted. His eyebrows were furrowed and he was trying to wriggle out of Phil's grasp. In return, Phil lifted Dan off of the ground and spun him towards the motorcycle. Dan busted out laughing while trying to fight Phil's hold by kicking his feet and yelling.

"I hate you so much! PUT ME DOWN!" Dan tried his hardest to be serious but his giggling took over everytime.

Finally, Phil put Dan down next to the motorcycle.

"You don't hate me."

"Yes. I do."

"You do huh?"

Dan nodded.

"So you would absolutely hate it if I do this?" Phil lifted Dan's chin and softly brushed his lips against Dan's lips. When Dan tried to continue into the kiss, Phil pulled his face back and grinned.

"Ugh stop it you burnt piece of toast, just kiss me."

Phil completely let go of Dan and shook his head.

"Not until you get on that motorcycle. Maybe after a quick ride I will kiss you. Maybe, I will kiss you so hard you can't breathe after. Maybe I will devour every part of you until you don't know what to do with yourself."

Dan shivered.

"But not until after you get on the motorcycle and we take a ride."

Dan huffed and Phil grinned as he finally climbed onto the motorcycle.

"Put your hands around my waist and hold tight. Do not let go under any circumstances."

Dan's arms wrapped tightly around Phil and he held himself as close to Phil as possible.

As they took off, Dan felt his hair get whipped around by the cold evening air. His jacket was thin and doing nothing for him.

They drove through the city, past bright lights and over bridges. Everything flew by as Phil rounded a corner into a parking garage. They kept going and going until they reached the top level.

Phil slowed to a stop and took off his helmet before helping Dan off. They both walked over to the edge of the garage and looked around. They were above multiple buildings and they could see everything from up there. Cars drove by and people were walking on the sidewalks with hot Starbucks in their hands.

"This is so cool." Dan admitted before he looked down. "Wow."

"We're pretty high up." Phil wrapped his arms around Dan's waist from behind and put his lips to his cheek softly. He continued to place light kisses along Dan's jaw and collarbone while Dan just tilted his neck to give Phil better access.

Phil pulled away and Dan whined a little.

"Eager are we?" Phil teased before placing one more chaste kiss on Dan's lips. "Besides, we have some painting to do."

Dan's face lit up as he followed Phil to a wall at the other end of the garage. He watched as Phil pulled out two masks, a few stencils and several cans of spray paint.

"Why don't you use one of those sprayer tool thingies?" Dan asked.

"You mean like a paint spray gun?"


Phil laughed at Dan's cluelessness. "It is a tool that helps with accuracy and it helps move quicker."

"Does it look like a garden hose?"


"Then yeah, that's what I was referring too."

Phil laughed again. "I just like to do things the old fashioned way. It feels like I put more time and effort into it that way."

Dan just nodded. "Okay."

Phil looked at the wall closely, examining and trying to get rough measurements. He pulled out a can of plain black spray paint and drew a quick and seemingly imprecise squiggly line. He looked up and nodded at it approvingly.

"What are you painting?" Dan questioned.

"You'll see. Don't worry I know you will like it."

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