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Once we arrived at the studio, Jhope started off. "Okay guys lets begin." They all stood in their places while me and Fara watched them while they ran through the dance a couple times and then break. They grabbed some water and when we went back in RM said, "Would y'all like to learn the dance?" We both squeled and screamed, "YASS" step by step we went through the dance and Jimin said, "y'all are actually really good. y'all might be better than me." Jungkook whispers "They are better you because you have jams." Making me laugh, Jimin strictly turned around at us giggling and said, "What did you 2 say?" "Nothing" we both said trying to hold in our laughter. Jhope said, "I have a good idea, why not they dance and sing with us at the concert?" Jin said, "Would you both want to?" "Yes we would" we both said. RM said, "well we'd have to add some parts for you and see what you are good at" we agreed to partake in their games to see what we could do. In the end I was scored like Jungkook, both singing and Rapping and also dancing. Fara was scored like RM, rapping and dancing. We were both perfectly fine with our scores, and RM said, "Yoongi, do you think you could make the new song longer to include Ivy and Fara?" Yoongi shook his head as in yes. Excited I really wanted to help. "Yoongi may I help, I won't disappoint you?" He said "thats fine, I would like to see what you can do."

-late that night-
Me and Suga stayed up late working on the new song and adding in some notes, we made minor tweeks ever so often but it sounded amazing. I was getting tired but tried to keep working, I ended up falling asleep, but not in my bed.

-the next day-
"Aww look at them" Jimin said. "They look like an actually father and daughter." V said. "Well Suga is old enough" jungkook said. "This is nothing about age" Jin said making RM laugh because of the insident when Jin was ready to fuck.. i mean fluck jungkook up for saying sokething like "well done 26 year old" I then saw a bright light and heard a flash. "Fuck my flash was on" Jhope said. "Language" Jimin said. And then Jimin smiled and then said "Oh and also send that to me" I then woke up with them all around me and apparently me and Suga fell asleep working last night. Well it was fun and we did finish our work which is all that matters.
In the living room. Me and jungkook were watching anime upside down on the couch. "What are y'all doing?" Jin asked. "We are bored don't question us" Jungkook said. V came in and said, "ooo can I join?" "Of course madem after you" jungkook said.

-10 minutes later-
"SOOO BORED....." I said. Me and Jungkook started whispering to each other and then we both went to Jin. "Jin hyung can we go to the mall?" Jungkook asked. Jin didn't say yes right away so me jungkook, V, and Fara got on the floor and begged. "Please we'll do all the dishes for a week." Tae said. "I'll even cook" Fara said. He finally gave in and we all had smirks on our faces. Everyone else asked why am i said "on three, 1, 2, 3." We all yelled at the same time, "We are going to the mall!!!" Everyone jumped up and got ready. As we were about to leave, Jungkook looked at Suga and said "Why are you wearing my clothes?" And then Jin said, "Yah! Wait RM why are you wearing my clothes?" Suga and RM said at the same time "My clothes have been disappearing" "Wait where are the girls?" Jhope asked. And then they saw us, walking in oversized clothes and at the exact same time Suga and RM said, "There are my clothes!" "You want them back" we asked. They said "yes please." Me and Fara changed out of their baggy clothes and put something on that was actually ours and threw them their clothes. We finally left and headed for the mall.

-5 minutes after we arrive at the mall-
"Alright guys lets stay together" Jin said. Once he said that it was already to late. So he just sat and waited for the chaos.

-30 minutes later-
Jin pov.
"Where are they?" I asked. While walking and seen the first pair of trouble.
Fara pov.
I went with RM because we both wanted to go check out the american eagle store. "I wonder where the other are?" He asked. "Hmm" I said. "RM look" I pointed at Jin who was looking at something. "Lets check it out" he said. We walked to Jin and didn't even have to ask what was going on, we saw Ivy, V, and Jungkook being the childish people they are and were on the bouncy houses. "Those three have the same mental age as a 5 year old" Jin said. "Where is Yoongi, jimin and Jhope?" RM asked. No one responded because we could actually see Jimin and Suga checking out some Converses and Jhope was at the food court. When we looked back to watch Ivy and Jungkook they were already gone. "Great" Jin said.

Ivy pov.
Me, V and Kookie were jumping on the bouncy houses until we saw this store, omg it was perfect. Full of the timberlands we both loved. We ended up buying 3 pairs each. We heard over the loud speaker, "Jeon Jungkook, Ivy Leigh and Kim Taehyung please report to the front" "Guess its time to go" we said both which made us laugh. Once we arrived at the front we saw Jin and the others. "Lets go, guys" Jin said. "Ivy, Jungkook, V keep up" RM said. "But hyung" we said pouting. "What?" RM and Jin said. They saw us pointing at an ice cream truck and us jumping up and down. "Do y'all have to pee?" Suga asked. "NO!!" We yelled pouting. "Wait wheres Fara?" RM asked. We all looked and I pointed, apparently she was already in line for the ice cream, we laughed and then they let us keep some ice cream. We were acting like children so why not?

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