My bad....

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It was now April 8th, Fara's birthday. As soon as my birthday comes it will mark the 2 year anniversary of us being with bts. Today was gonna be amazing because at the beginning of the day we will be recording the MV for magic shop and at the end we will be celebrating Faras birthday. Today is gonna be fun.

-7am at the dorm-
"Wake up you lazy bum!" Hoseok screamed. "I'm taking a shower Mr.Ray of sunshine." Suga said. "Well then who's in your bed?" Jhope asked. "Well....." Suga said. Jhope lifted up the blanket and saw Jimin asleep under the cover. "Well we are dating so what do you expect?" Jimin said as he stretched to try and wake himself up more. 5 minutes later there was a scream from the other side of the house. "What's wrong?" RM asked in concern. "Aghhhh! Suga used all the fucking hot water!" I screamed. "Ah shit, I'm gonna go ahead and start running" Suga said. "I'm gonna kill you" I yelled after I got my clothes on. "Aww snap this is gonna be interesting, Tae grab the popcorn" Jungkook said. "Everybody calm down, we have a MV to produce today so behave yourselves until we are finished." Jin said. "Yes sir" everyone say, but at the same time me, jungkook, and Tae said, "Yes ma'am" instead. After we did it, we started laughing.

- at the recording studio-
"Do we have all the vocals finished?" Hyan asked one of the producers. "Ah yeah, we got all of them unless one of them want to redo a part" the producer said. "Nah I think we are good" Hyan said. "Well then it's time to start recording the MV" the producer said looking at the director. "In the scenes we are gonna put bits and pieces from our other MVs so that the story line fits" the director said.

-2 hours later which felt like 2 years-
"Okay I think that's a wrap, I'll finish the minor tweaks in it and get back to your manager around next week." The director said. After that Hyan had a few words with them and then we left. At the dorm we already had all of Faras birthday surprises set up, and by we I mean me, Suga, Jungkook, and RM. The rest know nothing because they can't keep secrets.

-once we arrived at the dorm-
Jhope opened the door first and I think he instantly regretted it. "AGHHHH HOLY JESUS I SWEAR IT WASN'T ME WHO DID IT DON'T TAKE ME JUST YET!" Hoseok yelled as the confetti cannons shot out. "Fara was suppose to open the door first by the way" i said still looking at my phone stepping over Jhope lying on the floor. As Fara walked in her eyes lightened up and so did Jin, jhope, jimin and Tae because they didn't know about it either. They could tell it took sometime to get all of it set up. We had presents, food, cake, and games all set up. We first played some games....... 25 minutes later. "It's pin the tail on the donkey, not pin the tail on Jhope" Hobi said as Jimin accidentally stuck the tag on Hobi instead. "What are you talking about? I see no difference" Suga said which made me laugh.

A few games later we finally ate. It was really good and there was a lot of food. "No one has to know it was take out except me and you, deal?" Jungkook leaned over and whispered to me. "Deal" I whispered back. What happened was me and Jungkook got distracted on the way to the store and got so side track that we forgot we needed to go to the store in the first place and we ended up going back to the dorm and once Suga asked where the food was we didn't have enough time to cook so we ran and ordered some stuff of a menu at ________ café.

-cake time-
"I have been waiting for this since I first laid eyes on it" Tae said trying to grab some cake. "No" Jin said hitting Tae's hand with a wooden spoon. "Awe thanks Tae, but I think we should eat cake instead" Jungkook added with an evil smirk. "Shut up Kook" Jimin said rolling his eyes. "Wait where the fuck did you get that spoon!?" Suga asked looked at Jin confused. "That's for me to know and for you to never find out, now who wants cake?" Jin said. "Wait we must do the tradition" I said standing up with Jungkook. "What tradition?" They all asked. "Yeah what tradition?" Fara asked confused. "This tradition" me and Jungkook said while making Fara face plant the cake. Fara got her face out of the cake and she was covered with it, Hobi fell out of his chair laughing and then Fara said, "it's on" as she picked up a piece of cake and through it at me and kook but we dodged it and it hit RM right in the forehead. As RM was surprised Jhope laughed even harder, "oh shut up Hobi" RM said hitting Hobi with a piece of cake. Throughout the whole thing we could hear Tae in the corner screaming, "I just wanted some fucking cake!" This continued and turned into a food fight. After that we all went to watch Fara open presents, but Jin stopped me and Kook before we could walk out the kitchen. Apparently Jin gave me and Jungkook the punishment of cleaning up the mess we started, oh well it was so worth it.

-6 minutes into cleaning-
"Why are we using brooms? They can't sweep icing" I said. "Now you tell me" Jungkook said face palming himself. "You know next time let's try and keep it off the ground" Jungkook added. "Ha yeah, you try and get those wild animals to not get food on the floor in the middle of a fight, good luck. I'll be in Japan by the time that happens" I said making him laugh. "Me and you should hang more" he said. "Because me and you could have a lot of fun and some pranks could go on" he added. "Ooo smart.... let's do it" I said shaking his hand. It was silent for a moment but then, "Why did we make this deal literally right after April fools!?" We both yelled which was hilarious.

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