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"Oooo look it just got uploaded" Jimin said. "Open it come on" Yoongi said. Jimin clicked on the video and we all sat down and watched it.

"Omg my child Fara slaying on that demon throne" Jin said chewing on some popcorn. "Girl dang you looking like a whole snack" I said making everyone laugh. "Ooo it switched to ivy" Jungkook said. "Ooo she pulled a Taehyung" Jimin said while watching my fall into the water and underwater part. "Haha yes that's why child all right" Taehyung said pumping his fist in the air while jumping on the couch.

"If you don't sit your happy ass down" Namjoon said. "You'll what, what will you do.....RApmOnstEr!!" Taehyung screamed. "Oh you fucking bitch get your ass over here!" Namjoon got up and ran after Taehyung. Hoseok then walked to the kitchen.

-a few minutes later-
"Guys we have a problem" Hoseok said walking into the living room. "I hope it's not a math problem" Jungkook replied. Hoseok just looked at him weirdly. "What's the problem Hobi?" Jin asked. "We don't have any snacks" Hobi replied. "NOOOoooO!" Taehyung screamed falling on the floor acting like he just got shot. "Well then someone go get some" Namjoon said. "1...2...3" Jungkook said. "NoT iT!" Me, Fara, Taehyung, and Jungkook screamed. "Omg y'all are so childish, I'll go" Yoongi said getting up.

"Oh wow I thought you were dead sitting there, but otayyyyy" I said. "I'm just gonna go" Yoongi said getting up and walking out the door.

-1 hour later-
We were all sitting on the couch, we had already finished watching the YouTube MV...... twenty seven times. We were now watching a movie.

Namjoon's pov.
'Okay looks like we are all here' I thought to myself looking around. 'Yup, one, two, three, four, five six' I thought to myself. 'Yeah all six members are here....' I said to myself. 'Wait we are nine members since Ivy and Fara are here?!' I said to myself. I then leaned over to Jin, "Where is Jungkook?" I asked. "Probably lost again" he said laughing. "Wait where is ivy??!" He said as he jumped up. "Taehyung is gone too" Fara said. "Well fuck here we go again" Hobi said.

Y/n pov.
Me, Taehyung, and Jungkook kinda got bored after watching the movie so we left to get some ice cream.

*ring ring*
*ring ring*
I then picked up my phone
Ivy: hello?
Namjoon: Haha finally, where are y'all?
Ivy: getting ice cream
Hobi: without us?
Ivy:hehe sorry
Namjoon: well we are coming
Ivy: alright meet up at -     -
Namjoon: okay kids see y'all there
-end phone call-

-time skip-
"Finally" Namjoon said out of breathe. "Why are y'all breathing so heavily?" Jungkook asked. "We.....were.....running.....from ......some......dogs" Yoongi said heavily breathing. "Oh" me, Taehyung, and Jungkook said as we looked at each other. "HAHAHAHA" We couldn't help but laugh. "Its....not....funny" Jin said wheezing.

-time skip-
"Alright well we have to get going" Fara said. "Bye come visit whenever you can" Jimin said. "Byeeee" I said as me and Fara climbed in our van.

-at the girls dorm-
"Heyyyyyy" Ali said. "What's good" I said walking in. "Nothing really, we both just got home ourselves" Rei said chuckling. "Well I hope y'all had fun" Fara said. "Yeah we did and we already know y'all did to" Ali said. "Obviously, but hey I'm hungry" I said. "Finally someone said it, let's go to _____" Rei said. "Oooo that sounds good" Ali said. "Alright lets goooo" Fara said.

"Holy crap all of this looks good I don't know what to order!" I said looking amazed at the menu. "Well ivy I'm sorry that its your first time not eating from the kids meal" Rei said making the others laugh. "Okay look that was one time" I said defending myself.

"So what would you all like to order?" The waiter asked. "Um can we get two lamb skews, two kimchi fried rices, and two plates of bundaegi" Ali said. "Alright it will be right with you" The waiter said bowing.

-time skip-
"Well guys I'm bored" I said. "Well if you would get off your lazy ass and do something maybe you wouldn't be bored" Rei said. "Well then seems like you are bored to" I replied. "I'm gonna make a sandwich" Fara said getting up. "I'm gonna get one to" I said following her.

-time skip-
"Ivy what the fuck?!" Fara yelled. "What happened?!" Ali asked as she walked in the kitchen. "How do you get peanut butter on the fucking ceiling!?" Rei asked. "I don't know, it just happened" I said holding the bread in my hand with jelly in my hair.

"Let's go to the park, so she can get her energy out" Ali said. "Really!? The park!!!! Yahhhhhh" I said running to grab my shoes.

Jungkook's pov.
"Wow look at these trees, they must be the oldest things in the park" I said looking up. "Jungkook move out of the way I'm trying to take a selca and your bitchass face is ruining the view" Jin said. "Haha I guess not" I said laughing. "Hey look Ivy, Fara and their two friends are here" Taehyung said sliding down the slide.

Ivy pov.
"Wooooo we are here" I said jumping out of the car. "Time to play!" I said smiling. I ran all the way to the rock wall that I didn't notice Jimin trying to get my attention. I started climbing the rock wall at fast as I could.

"What the hell-" Jungkook said. "We dont fucking cuss with little ones around you trick ass bitch" Yoongi said. "But I-" Jungkook started talking but was interrupted. "Shut the fuck up you mother fucking string bean we don't support cussers" Yoongi said. Jungkook just looked at him wide eyes and an eyebrow raised.

"Well that's one way to-" Jimin started talking. "Your bitch ass best shut the fuck up you mother fucking cute ass bitch" Yoongi said. "Well Yoongi is grounded" Jin said. "Fuck" Yoongi whispered under his breathe. "No fucking cussing you gummy smiling bitch, remember?" Jimin said smiling.

A/N: Well hello my supernovas. I would like to say I'm sorry for the slow update, I've just been sick and I have had all these tests lately. I'm very sorry and the next chapter will be the last chapter. I love you all and thank you for the support.💓🤞

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