Embrace After A Kiss

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I'm sweating bullets, again. The perspiration doesn't seem to stop when I'm standing here outside Tiffany's apartment, I just need to press the door bell to see the owner of said house.

But my limbs decided to disobey me right now. Both my feet planted firmly on the ground that even if a UFO comes and take me to their spaceship of some sort, they would just give up in the end because I can't be moved from my place (I don't know how aliens popped in my head, but you get my point, right?). As for my hands, they can't stop shaking like crazy, I tell you. I'm starting to get annoyed with myself lately that I can not even press a door bell, bet you're all also frustrated of me.

Press it already

Move your fingers and touch the godforsaken door bell, Kim Taeyeon!

My internal struggles comes to a halt when I heard my phone rings inside my pocket, that made me jerk slightly.

I fished the device out of my trousers and answered the call.


I stuttered.

"Hi, Tae."

Tiffany Hwang greeted me on the other line.

"Why'd you called? Is there something wrong? Did you call to cancel tonight? Are you alright? Did something came up and--"

A girlish giggle stopped me from my blabber.

"You're over thinking, Tae. I just wanna inform you that I'm all ready for tonight. Nothing came up, and I'm especially not going to cancel our date."

The all knowing teasing voice of her echoed inside my head, I can already visualize her sly grin (that I found really sultry and seductive) whenever she teases me.

"Ohh... Uhh..."

I paused, pathetically begging my heart to calm down, and my mind to push off the sinful images that's surfacing inside my head.

"Tae? You still there?"

The once playfulness was gone in her voice, switched with worry.

"Yeah, still here."

I answered.

"Actually, I'm already standing in front of your door." For about half an hour by now.


There's some sounds of shifting followed by footsteps on the other line, before I knew it, the apartment's door swung open revealing a view that I thought would only happen when you meet an angel (a very hot and seductive angel at that).

I was very mesmerized that the phone I'm holding would've dropped if I didn't get a tight grip, but I forgot to hold a grip with my sanity which was far more important than a stupid device.

I wandered my eyes once more to Tiffany Hwang's holy mother of a god's body.

Yep, definitely too late.


I murmured idiotically, which caused Tiffany to giggle yet again that snapped me out of my trance.

"I... I mean, you're stunning tonight. And gorgeous... Yeah, stunning and gorgeous. Definitely."

My blabber of a mouth can't say something smart yet can't shut up either.

But her reaction to my compliment made it all better.

Tiffany shyly smiled and bowed her head with overflowing cuteness... And, is that a blush I see in her cheeks?

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