Much More Wrong Timings

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So I've learned that it's Miss Lim, my beloved sister, and her loose mouth that told Tiffany about my almost 4-years-from-now crush to the woman. And Tiffany also knew about my creepy art project, it's still because of Lim Yumin that I almost attacked her for setting me up if it wasn't for an angel (Tiffany Hwang) holding me down. And that pissed me off greatly but I can't disobey Tiffany.

'The thing people do for love.'

Though there's also a bigger reason that's pissing me off for the past three weeks.

My bad luck and wrong timings.

I don't know if God was mocking me or playing silly games with me, but every time Tiffany and I are going at 'it', there's always misfortunes that would transpire to make us stop what we were doing.

And I know it also frustrates Tiffany even if she always smiles understandingly.

So let me just go back to time again.

1st Bad Luck: Saturday Morning

We were just doing our usual routine inside my apartment, as in me on my art supplies and Tiffany posing for me  -- the kind of pose where she's on her knees leaning on the couch with her front clinging on the backrest and tilting her head sideways with her tresses cascading freely on her sides. The model can easily be tired by this position but it gives the best caption of her *cough* butt, so it's great for me.

But I called for a break when I saw Tiffany became uneasy holding the position, and I'm already halfway done.

I was casually flipping pages in my art book, looking to finished art of Tiffany for the past weeks when the material was harshly pulled from my possession.

My refutation was swallowed back from my mouth when lips clashed against mine with intimacy. And those intense kisses lead us both to my bedroom, topless.

We were hungrily kissing each other  and blindly backing to my bed. Tiffany that time was clearly in a hurry, that she harshly pushed me to bed.

And because of our wrong estimation of the space (and were doing this entire thing without looking and just engaging our mouths like a starve animal), we didn't knew it's at the edge of the bed where she pushed me.

I unceremoniously fell on my own bed, got flipped and landed on the cold hard floor. Face first.

"Oh my god, Tae!"

Tiffany screamed her deafening voice, witnessing my glorious fall for the second time.

'Just why do I have to fall for this woman every damn time. Literally.'

But maybe I'm slightly lucky because it's not a broken nose but a swollen forehead with a wide bump, plus Tiffany tended to my injury while repeatedly saying sorry and giving me kisses so it's worth the pain.

2nd Bad Luck: Thursday Afternoon

Before I met with Tiffany that time, Sooyoung and Seulgi summoned me to the bear's apartment. The duo was forcing me to listen to their plan of how I could get Tiffany to bed with me, I swore to my name to not speak of those misfortunes I had hurdled upon for I swear they won't let me live peacefully from the shame. So I stayed without opening my mouth and just listened to their endless taboo plans, the only time I open it is when I ate the food Seulgi offered me, and the taste was quite weird but Seulgi said it's Irene that cooked it so I had faith. That cousin of mine cooks well, partly because she stays home every time.

When Tiffany sent me a text that her classes were cancelled for the whole afternoon and she invited me to her place, I scrambled at my feet and went to her eagerly with a wide grin. It's been four days since I last had a private time with her, our bondings consists of her friends or my friends or both our friends during break time in the university or at the cafe where we're very fond of hanging out so I'm excited to hover her for myself today.

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