Chapter 11: Scavenging And Death Upon Us

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Rated 16+ above: some mature contents and language. Some sad scenes and may cause disturbance.

9th November 2038, 5.30am, Dawn. Civil District 1, Ryder's house.

Important interview for WhiteFang, in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, The Writers Conventional Exhibition 2018:

"I read the script and ideas from my team, I am upset that Chase have to end this way. But this not just made the story more interesting and people will find out what happens next. It was hard for me when I wrote this chapter. Chase is one of the daring pups and this happens..." ~WhiteFang LilWolf, conventional briefings.

Ryder for some reason, is hugging Scamp as he's asleep with the rest of the pups in Scamp's room. Regarding yesterday night's incident, they were all tired and didn't care much. Angel is hugging Skye while sleeping and sweating for some reason. Rubble, Everest, Zuma, Marshall and Rocky were sleeping together peacefully. As for me, I was awake an hour ago, and sitting down on top of the rooftop. I popped a bottle of beer and drank slowly, slinging my rifle behind my back.

"Knew you were gonna be here." Tracker appeared from behind as he sat beside me. He took out another stick of cigarette and started smoking.

"They all asleep?" I asked while looking at the world in front of me. "Yea." Tracker replied as he reloaded his ak47 rifle.
"Well. Not a good place to be in." I said.
"Who wants to be here? I believe no pups wanna. Look at the world man. Fked up. Even us, we are in misery."
"I know Tracker. Sometimes we know we done our best to protect everyone."
"Chase, I know you well,pup. How did you do it? How can you be so... calm and vigilant?"
I threw my bottle across the road from the roof as I continued.
"Because we all lost someone we love."
Tracker stopped smoking. He lowered his cigarette and looked at me.
"I lost my parents when I was born. My owners ditched me when I was young and filed a military report to send me for trainings. They taught me how to talk and listen to orders like humans, I got abused by them as well last time. I told myself since then to always keep your loved ones safe. Thats why I was sent to a sergeant police pup force training centre. Thats why I stayed calm and I don't want bad things to happen around again."
I looked at Tracker as he patted my shoulders.
"Senior. I know man. When I was young I have my parents. They died eventually but we all have to go through these. And I know your situation is worse than me. And I will always cover your back. No matter what happens." Tracker laughed at me as he said.
I chuckled as he passed me a cigarette. We both sat there till the sun rises.

9th November 2038, 9.00am, Dawn. Civil District 1, Ryder's house.

Everyone woke up as they started to clean up the place and prepare for defence and protection for Ryder's house. "Angel, why not you stay with Scamp today? I will bring Chase, Skye, Everest and Marshall for scavenge of food and water." Tracker said as he carried an empty backpack and his rifle. "Sure, the rest of us will guard this place." Angel convinced us as she prepared sandbags and small items around the house for defence.

We closed the door behind us as the 5 of us exited the area and travelled towards the countryside down the road. We walked together side by side to check the surroundings. Its quite a distance to walk.

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