Chapter 13: The Fallout Gangs

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9th November 2038, unknown timing, unknown position.

They ran away. They did, and I am happy for them.

"It's yours...let it go with you..." I remembered. Thats what Tracker said, yes. Guns by my side and backpack and my stuffs... they were crying. Walkers following them behind as one of the walkers noticed me lying down there, walked to me as it tried to bite me. Out of nowhere heavy gun powers were fired, what seems to be like a portable machine gun. Many humans and mens appeared firing a lot of shots to clear the wave. There's this guy who noticed me lying there.

 There's this guy who noticed me lying there

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"Hey Stwart, I found something." Flyn said as he shakes my pup body. 3 humans walked to me, one of them named Lyra said "awww poor thing...its a small German Shepard Pup..."
"He's bleeding quite bad. We need to send him back." Stwart said.
"Are you mad? What happens if he got bitten already?" Raiden said.
"I dont think so. Just by checking the injuries, 2 areas bleeding. The belly, which seems like a gunshot fired to him. The other is a pole piercing him. Lets just carry this pup back and see what we can do to help him." Flyn thought of nothing else and just carried Chase(me) away.
"Wait! Seriously?!" Raiden followed them at the back.
Flyn arrived at the first aid truck with heavy defence team guarding them. "Sir Flyn. How can we help?" The paramedics said.
"Check this pup. Save him. I want a full report and updates on him." Sir Flyn said. "Yes sir."
After a complete scan and pulse check, the medics and the temporary vet exclaimed. "Sir Flyn! Come see this!" The group of men and woman rushed in.
"The pup is still breathing! We will be sending the German Shepard Pup to our hospital now." The medics and the vet entered the vehicle, whereas the group went to the back of the ambulance and sat down with me. "Sir, we found these in possession with the pup. Its very weird, they are gadgets, weapons and a backpack with a name tag called Chase." Raiden said. "Okay. It could be the pup's. His owner must be worried about him. Poor pup with such a tragedy injury, still able to breathe is something." Sir Flynn said as he purred Chase's furry face, as vet and medics inserted human version inhaler and multiple tubes and a water drip tube to keep Chase hydrated. A short pole was seen pierced through Chase's body but was bandaged, and a heavier bandage was given for Chase's belly, to prevent excessive bleeding. "How the hell is he still breathing?! He's not some special dog he looked like just one ordinary pup!" Raiden exclaimed.
"Maybe it's just a lucky pup. Could have died out there if we weren't there." A teenager named Lara explained. Chase is still unconscious due to the excessive blood loss, however, Chase started to shake a bit.
"Its normal guys. He's trying to recover from his coma. He should be fine after an operation to remove the pole and patching up further with his belly." The medics explained as they kept Chase's gadgets and items under the emergency bed.
"Hmm...wait a moment medic." Sir Flyn opened Chase's bag and begin searching for his identity or some form of information. He found a photo of Chase and the paw patrols, and even more photos of Chase's trainings. "Holy, he's a group sergeant police pup! Only one in five hundred pups were able to reach that rank in the ex K9 units." Sir Flynn pointed out to his team. "Thats not all. He have tons of ammunitions as well. A real M16 rifle, some food and resources, and a gadget body vest. We have to becareful, he might be dangerous." Sir Flyn said as he carried Chase's backpack, packing back the stuffs into the bag. "Why are you helping him sir?" Lara said in confusion.
"We didn't see a pup or a dog for a long time. Saving him would be something. Let's hope he recovers." Sir Flyn said as the team sat down and rest while they travel back to their base's hospital.

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