Chapter 1

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Taehyung POV:

As the Prince of Korea I can tell you one thing, It's not a fairy tale.

It gets quite lonely when you have no friends of your own age to hang around with.

Tomake it sound even worse, I never get to go outside of the palace. I'm alwaysstuck here behind those 4 stone walls. To be honest, I really hate being aprince. If I was able to choose between having a normal life or this, I wouldchoose having a normal life over anything.

Since I don't have any friends I would usually just talk to my grandma. She is actually the only person I can really talk to. Of course I do have my parents but.. since my father is the King and also a very strict man who doesn't like to speak up about his feelings, it's not really an option to tell him about what's bothering me.

He always tells me to 'man up' and stuff like that. My mother on the other hand is the opposite of my dad. She's a very gentle, lovely and caring person who always cares more about others than herself.

There is a huge difference between my mom and dad when it comes to 'parenting' because they both grew up totally differently.

You see, my father has royal blood while my mom doesn't. She actually lived a normal life before she married my father and became the queen. Well maybe not really a normal life.. she used to be a well-known actress. But when they met, they fell in love, got married, she eventually got pregnant with me and had to quit her job and had to give up her 'normal life'.

When I heard this story for the first time I was shocked . I never knew she used to be an actress before. She told me that It was always a dream of her to become a famous actress when she was little. She never gave up on her dream, even with her parents' disapproval at first.

Knowing that my father was the one who made her give up on everything she had, made me feel disappointed in him. So I ended up asking her if she ever regretted marrying him.

She actually hesitated before answering me with a 'no' but at that time I could see in her eyes that there was some regret and I don't blame her though. I can understand how hard this all must have been for her and probably still is. Even the fact that she hardly gets to see her own parents.

So, trying to be the good son that I am, I always end up going to my grandma since I don't want to bother my mom with my troubles. She always felt like a second mom to me cause she's always there for me when I need someone to talk to. She makes me feel comfortable talking about things I find difficult to speak about.

When I talk to her I feel like I can be just a normal person and not be a prince for once. It's funny I say this because my grandma is part of the royal side of my family. She is the mother of my father and while my father is totally strict, old fashioned and totally focused on the royal traditions of our family, my grandma never was. She couldn't care less about things like that and it's funny to see how It really frustrates my father some times.

Sometimes I just wish my father would stop being so hard headed and let me see the world outside those walls for once.. just once.


Written in The Stars II Taekook [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now