Chapter 6

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It was the second day of Taehyung's normal living life.

He arrived early at the company and to his relief, Jungkook was no where to be see. At least not yet.

Taehyung couldn't help but to feel bad for all the other employees here. It seems like working with Jungkook is like walking on eggshells, since he seems to get angry really easily.

Taehyung dropped his butt on the chair and got behind his desk after greeting all the other employees.

''Heeey~ there he is! Good morning newbie! Glad you're still alive after yesterday!'' He almost lets out a shriek when Hoseok appeared out of no where with a huge smile on his face. ''good morning'' Namjoon appeared behind him with anexhausted expression on his face.

Yoongi followed behind shortly, greeting Taehyung with a yawn. The younger greeted the three of them back with a smile and a polite bow.

The day started great. The boys all got to know each other a bit better after talking with each other. Namjoon gave Tae some easy tasks to keep him busy till Jungkook would arrive and according to the others, that could take hours if he even decided to show up.

Taehyung was in deep thoughts when they suddenly got interrupted by Hoseok's loud voice.

''Hey! Newbie! Did you heard what I said?'' he waved his hand in front of the younger's face to get his attention. ''no, I'm sorry Hyung. what did you say?'' Tae apologized and smiled sheepishly.

''I said, I have this USB stick with important files that I need you to bring to Jungkook's office and leave it on his desk'' Hoseok repeated himself. ''USB stick?..'' Tae muttered, questioning himself what a USB stick was.

''yeah, a USB stick. You do know what that is right?'' Hoseok raised both his brows and looked at the younger with an amusing expression. Taehyung let's out an awkward laugh. ''o-of course I do..'' He lied.

He got up from his chair and took the USB from Hoseok. He almost left the room when he suddenly realized something. He had no idea where Jungkook's office was..

He decided to ask some other employee. ''excuse me, um.. do you perhaps know where Jungkook's office is?''

''yes, it's at the endof the hallway'' she replied. He thanked her and made his way to the office butstopped himself from opening the door.

He took a small peek through the small window that was build in the door itself and saw no one in there. 'luckily he's not here..' Tae thought to himself and let's out a sigh of relief.

He slowly opened the door and scanned the room with his eyes.

The office was huge! It wasn't even close to what he imagined.

Taehyung was too busy admiring the office, that he totally didn't hear someone enter the room.

''What are you doing in my office?'' a low husky voice was heard. Tae almost shrieked and jumped up. he quickly turned around and faced the angry looking Jungkook.

Tae couldn't speak. His body froze and his mind went empty.

He started to panic when he heard Jungkook close the door behind him and repeated his question. ''I asked, what are you doing in my office?'' a low growl was now heard in the back of Jungkook's throat.

Written in The Stars II Taekook [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now