Chapter 12

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Luna POV
After spending time with Aries and catching up with what I had missed out on earlier, it was time to go back. Aries accompanied me back home since his house was just a few houses down. "My dad's gonna kill me," I mumbled.

"Hm, maybe. But he wouldn't kill you, perhaps he'll still let you live?" Aries replied and patted my head, I rolled my eyes jokingly at him. "See you tomorrow then." He smiled and I bid him fare well. I stood outside my home, watching him walk further and further down the pavement until he turned round the corner.

I looked at the gates with fear. It was just like walking through the gates of hell. My home was no longer a place I could be safe in, it was no longer the same place as it was 1 year ago. Mustering all my courage, I unlocked the gates and stepped in, I must face the music sooner or later.

As soon as I stepped into the house, I heard glass shatter. "YOU IDIOT! YOU HAD ONE JOB AND THATS TO STUDY!" My Father roared. Then he undid his belt and cracked it once as though it was a whip. He then charged towards me and swung the belt at me.

Crack! A wave of pain shot through my body. Yelping in pain, I clenched my teeth tightly to endure the pain.

"YOU'RE A DISGRACE!" Crack! My body felt as though it was on fire.

"GO TO HELL!" He screamed. Crack! I cried out in pain, clutching the side of my head. I stumbled and fell due to the impact. My father then dropped the belt and walked towards me. He slowly bent down and picked me up by my neck, raising me high in the air as though he was trying to remaking a lion king scene. I trashed around wildly and tried to pry his fingers off my neck, but that only made him tighten his grip.

He flashed a crook smile. His breath smelt of a mixture of vomit and alcohol. "Get... off me," I choked. I used all of my remaining strength and kicked him in the face. There was a loud sickening "crunch" and I dropped to the ground. Grasping for air, I quickly ran up to my room before slamming it shut.

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