Chapter 28

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Aries POV

Two weeks later

Two weeks flew pass slowly, without Luna by my side. Her funeral was a quiet one. I slowly knelt in front of the stone. Doctor samuel transferred her heart to me, so at least a piece of her will always be with me.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, as I placed the fresh flowers onto her grave. "I should've confessed earlier. Now I can't do it now" I sighed at how bitter this world was.

"But thank you, for saving my life."

"I'm glad I met you, I'm glad I choose to sit with you on the first day of school."

"Thank you for saving my ass that day at the locker, when that Tom dude bullied me."

"Thank you, for being the light."

I looked up to the sky, "Mom, please look after Luna for me."

Glancing down at the stone, I smiled softly. "We never even took a photo together."

"You're truly and angel from heaven."

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