Chapter 19

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Luna POV
The cop marched into the room, another cop following behind him, holding a file with pieces of paper sticking out of it and a notebook with a pen attached to the cover. Both the cops settled on the opposite side of the table before looking at me. The cop cleared his throat before asking, "so, why did you murder him?"

"LUNA!" My Father screamed. Sighing, I put my book down before walking out to meet him. "I saw you, with that boy." He slurred, waving a bottle of beer at me. Rolling my eyes, I turned back and was about to head back into my room before I heard a loud shatter of glass. "DONT WALK AWAY FROM ME. IM NOT DONE YET." He screamed as he walked towards me with the sharp end of the bottle pointed towards me.

"Good for nothing, pathetic piece of crap." He smirked and began unbuckling his belt. "YOU. KILLED. YOUR. MOTHER." He swung his belt with each word, each swing left a stinging pain on my body.


He smirked. "Stop what?" He swung his belt again.

"Being a jerk."

His already redden face redden into a darker shade of red. I ducked under the table and into the kitchen. He walked unstably, due to his drunken state. "COME HERE YOU LITTLE CRAP. ILL TEACH YOU A LESSON. UNGRATEFUL CRAP." He hollowed. As he emerged through the door way, I grabbed the first thing I could that was on the kitchen counter. A knife.

"Step back." I yelled, shoving the knife in front of his face. He grabbed the knife but I pulled back, cutting his palm in the process.

"Dammit," his eyes flared with anger. He swung his belt again. My body felt as though it was being burned by flames.

"IVE HAD ENOUGH." I screamed, and before I knew it, the knife was plunged into my father's body. I stood rooted to the ground.

"Luna?" I whirled around, and there Aries was, at the door.

"Miss Luna?" The cop asked, waving his hand in front of me, snapping me back into reality. I opened my mouth to say something, but I just couldn't form the right words. They're going to put me into a mental hospital aren't they. The cop eyed at me suspiciously before asking another question. "Was it intentional?" What kind of question is that. Aries literally just saw me with a knife.

Aries saw me with a knife. In front of a dead body. My crush just witnessed me commit a crime. I started to panic. Aries is gonna hate me now. Slumping back into my chair, I felt my heart drop. He was my only Friend.

"Miss Luna? Is everything alright?" The other cop asked, he cocked his head to the side. Right, I forgot about the cops. I slowly nodded my head. The cops whispered to one another before looking at me. "We'll bring you to the next room." The cop informed before gesturing me to follow them. 

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