Chapter 22

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Chapter 22-

Vic's POV:

 "Vic, oh my god!" I heard the sound of my brother. I turned around and saw the look of shock on his face.

"Shit, Mike! I, um, I..." I was about to speak but I couldn't. He turned around and ran out of the house. I got up and ran after him. I ran outside and saw him about to get in his car. "Mike! Wait!" I said.

"Vic, I came over to see how you were doing because I heard about Danielle leaving but I ca see that you're already on the fucking rebound!" he said.

"No, Mike! I can explain!" I said.

"Explain what? That you're gay? Or how Danielle left you?" he asked.

"Everything. I'll explain everything." I said. He sighed and nodded.

"Okay, fine. Explain." he said. I sighed.

"Okay, so a little while after we had Tyler, Danielle and I began to grow apart. We just weren't loving each other like we used to. And we had to go back to work so we hired a babysitter to take care of Tyler. And he was really flirty with me and he started getting more and more flirty as Danielle and I started growing further and further apart and one night when she was out I got really drunk and I hooked up with Kellin and-"

"Woah, woah, woah, wait. Kellin?" he cut me off.

"Yes." I said.

"Is that the same Kellin?" he asked.

"Yes, it's the same Kellin. Which, in my defense I didn't know that there was a relation until you told me." I said, holding my hands up in defense. He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Okay, so you got drunk and hooked up and?" he asked.

"Yeah, we hooked up and the next day I was pissed off and disgusted and I didn't want to talk to him ever again but then Danielle grew more distant and he grew closer to me. And trust me Mike,  I didn't want to do it at all. I felt so guilty for cheating on Danielle. So I tried to go tell her what had been going on." I said.

"Wait, had been going on? It happened more than once?" he asked.

"Yes, but I decided to go tell Danielle." I said.

"And?" he asked.

"And she didn't believe me. I explained everything to her but she still didn't believe me and after trying to explain everything but she thought I was trying to make an excuse for her to come home more often and she told me to stop. I didn't know if it was denial or she was just avoiding it so she could run away and leave to go where ever it is she went." I explained. He paced back and forth and sighed.

"Wait, so what happened after she left?" he asked.

"Well, she left, I got drunk a lot and I tried to space myself from Kellin and I just couldn't do it. He's very smooth and he's very good at getting me to give into him." I said, thinking back to all the times he's done that. But Mike snapped me out of it.

"Okay, ew, I don't need to hear about it, but I don't know what to say about all of this." he said.

"I know, just, I don't know, you don't have to say anything. What I did was wrong but what she did was even more wrong. Actually I don't know which one is worse. At least I told her what I was doing when it was happening, she just left me without any warning or anything. I don't know which is worse." I said. I leaned against his car and ran my fingers through my hair. What a fucked up situation.

"Well, what you did was bad but at least you owned up to it." he said.

"Yeah, but that doesn't make it right." I said.

"I know." he said. He leaned against the car next to me. We sat there in silence for about a minute before he spoke again, "Vic?"

"Yes?" I asked.

"Does this mean your gay now?" he asked. I chuckled a bit and sighed.

"I....I don't know, Mike. I mean I don't think so. I think I just like girls other than Kellin. Maybe not, maybe I like guys and I never realized it till now." I said.

"Well, would you want to be with Kellin?" he asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know. I mean we have a lot of fun together and-"

"Okay, you can skip that part. It's not the gay thing, I just hate hearing about people sexual experiences. I was never that guy so just skip that stuff." he said. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, well, I don't know. We have fun together but I don't know if I should commit to someone else. My wife left me a couple days ago. I mean, I should be more upset than I am now but I'm not. We were growing apart for a long time now and I shouldn't be surprised that she left me." I said.

"Well, being surprised is an appropriate reaction, Vic. But getting with someone else isn't that appropriate." he said.

"Okay, okay, I didn't exactly get with him. We just did some stuff in between." I said in defense.

"Once again, I don't want to hear about it. But I'm gonna go." he said. He opened his car door and got into it.

"Are you mad?" I asked.

"No, I'm just a bit shocked. Don't worry, bro. No matter what I love you." he said. I hugged him in a brotherly way.

"I love you too. But are you okay with me being gay? I mean, like, I'm not saying I am but if I was are you okay with it?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course I am. No matter what you are, gay, straight, bi, whatever, you're still my brother, Vic." he said.

"You too, Mike." I said. He smiled and shut the car door. He started up the car and rolled down the window.

"I'll see ya soon, Vic." he said.

"See ya soon, Mike." I said. He smiled and backed the car out of the driveway. I smiled and waved as he drove away. I turned back around and walked into the house. Kellin was sitting in the living room still watching the movie.

"Hey, is everything okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I just had to explain things to my brother." I said.

"Oh, and he was okay with it?" he asked.

"Yeah, it just took a lot of explaining." I said.

"Oh okay, so where were we?" he asked. He walked over me and took the neck of my shirt. He lightly tugged it towards him and we fell on the couch. My lips fell directly on his. They were always so soft. I moved mine with his slowly as I glided my tongue against his. It was comforting to kiss him. I felt his legs wrap around my lower back.

"This is hot." I said against his lips.

"Not as hot as you." he said.

"Mm, thank you Mr. Quinn." I said. He laughed and moved his lips down to my neck.

For the rest of the afternoon we just made out along with some other sexual activities, watched movies, and he occasionally  had to attend to Tyler. Occasionally because I decided to take care of him. The situation we were in seemed just fine now. But I knew it wouldn't last. I just wanted to savor the times we had now before something got in the way.

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