Chapter 31: It's Against The Bible!

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Lilly sat next to Amani in the doctor's office that cold Monday morning. It was misty outside and they were covered up in woolen coats, talking to the handsome doctor, who didn't seem bothered by the cold. It's like he was immune to cold or something.

"So, have you come for your first check up?," asked the doctor as he dangled with a pen.

Of course I've come for my check up! What kind of a silly question is that?

Amani nodded at him.

"Since you've told me how you're feeling right now and Lilly here has been telling me about your condition, I'll just prescribe some pills."

Amani just hated how everyone did things behind her back these days! For crying out loud! Cancer didn't make her a toddler!

"Then you'll have chemotherapy here next week!"

Next week! That was too soon!

"That's too early, don't you think?," Amani said to the doctor, who was quite good looking.

"You have stage 4 leukemia! The fact that you're still seated there, looking healthy is a miracle! You should have chemotherapy as soon as possible!"

Amani looked at him. "But Lilly said I can have chemo at home..."

The doctor shook his head. "I also thought that was possible..."


"It will be a long process for your bone marrow transplantation. It will be easier at the hospital than at home..." The doctor explained.

Amani huffed. She didn't want to have chemotherapy at the hospital. She wanted therapy at home! Hospitals made people sicker. It was the reason she'd refused to have treatment in the first place. She hated the sickening smell of hospitals. The grumpy nurses. The sick patients who looked like they'd die the next second. But most of all, it reminded her of her father. It reminded her that she had killed him. And she hated that!

"I would have recommended chemo this week but, we've not found a donor for the bone marrow!" Said the doctor, looking at Lilly and Amani.

"What!" Lilly and Amani gasped.

That news came as a blow.

Why was everything going wrong? Was it a sign she should not fight this?

"Dr. Dan, that is not our business! You should have the donor by now... My daughter should start chemo next week! I don't care how or where you'll find the donor!" Lilly sank back on the seat and stared at Dr.Dan. "I hope we're clear on that!"

The doctor sighed. "It would be easier if you two found a volunteer..."

Lilly sneered at him. "We're not here to make your work easier doctor. Amani's chemo is next week and we want a donor by then. Period."

Amani smiled looking at Lilly. She was really acting as if she was the one with the cancer.

"Give her the pills! We need to go!"


Three days had passed and Tracee had neither gone to the café nor talked to Kelsie. What Elvis had told her had surprised her and the fact that Kelsie thought Elvis was familiar made what he said seem true.

Tracee had the day off today. She had been so excited when the boss decided to give her the day off. And the good news was, her mum was not around. She'd briefly told her the previous night she was going to see a friend. Tracee did her best these days to avoid her mum or get into any conversation with her since the Joy encounter.

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