Wanna Do This Thing? (Ben!Rog x Y/N)

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I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was sure hoping the outcome was negative, Roger and I couldn't afford this right now. Especially with him going back to tour in 6 months, then returning after another 5 months, he wouldn't be here for the start of the aftermath. I couldn't help but pace rapidly in the small bathroom, I knew I'd eventually have to look at the small test indicator, but I first had to talk myself into even picking up the plastic stick. I stopped dead in my tracks after attempting to push myself to look at it, I tapped my chin with two fingers while my other hand rested on my hip.

"Fuck, Y/N, you're so fucking stupid." I murmured to myself before grabbing the test and finally looking at the result no matter what my head told me. My eyes widened, right in my hands read a positive pregnancy test. This was not the plan, our plan was once we got married and he retires from the music career, thats when we'd have our first kid. Not now when we're still young and he's in the middle of his career. I'm still looking for a job, for gods sake. It was now hitting me that I'd have to tell Roger, how the hell was I supposed to tell him? I have absolutely no idea how he'd react, we've definitely talked about having kids, but like I said we never talked about having one this early. His feelings could be so mixed about this, what if he leaves me after I tell him? Maybe I should take a few more? That one could've easily been wrong, not all of these can be 100% accurate, lets just try again.

I somehow managed to take a few more tests, now reciting back to pacing while all of them sat scattered on the bathroom counter, it was an absolute nervous mess in here. After a few long and dreaded minutes passed, I built up more courage to check all 4 of them. Each one read positive, just like the first one. "Fuck." Was all I could mutter to myself. I still held onto one test while using the back of my hand to rest it against my hot fleshed forehead, then bringing it down to gaze at the test one last time. I slid open the bottom drawer that held all of my travel bags, finding the smallest one to hide the original test in, I didn't want to just throw them all away, this was a big deal for both Roger and I. Placing the rest of them in empty tampon wrappings, I knew Roger wouldn't be looking through the garbage, but just in case, I threw a few tissues in there too in attempt to cover the packages. I looked in the mirror, taking a deep breath trying my best to calm myself down before exiting the bathroom. I unlocked the door slowly, then opened the door with all my might to be quiet, which turned out successful to my surprise, now only paying attention to the floor as I tiptoed my way to the bedroom. Entering the sunlit expanse, I mutedly shut the door behind me yet again accomplishing silence, I turned around in mid tiptoe before I realized Roger was awake and watching me while comfortably on his side, using his hand to prop his head off the bed. I tried to cover my hard swallow as his eyes burned through mine.

"Where'd you go, love?" His eyebrows were furrowed, patting the empty spot next to his shirtless figure. I normally walked over to the side of the soft mattress, laying down in the spot next to him and feeling his familiar warmth. Without him in bed, it was always cold, no matter how many blankets I used. I feared I'd never get that feeling again once he found out. Suddenly blanketed panic came upon me, how was I supposed to support myself and a child without a job? I'd have to pay rent, baby essentials, house appliances and food. Roger was the one that allowed the two of us to live comfortably. I brushed off the thought, trying to put up the facade for him.

"Just the bathroom." I smiled at him while running my hand through his soft blonde hair, even after sleeping, it wasn't tangled. He grabbed my hand with his free one, giving it a small kiss then rubbing my knuckles softly. His arm that held his head moved to under my neck, allowing me to cuddle up closer to his vessel as his other arm snaked around my waist. I felt the soft touch of his lips to my forehead before whispering a sleepy I love you. I wanted it to last forever.

I had forgotten our plans tonight, Brian and John were supposed to come for dinner while Freddie was off to god knows where, I attempted to invite him but he sadly declined. I was okay with just the two of them joining us, I just wish it could've been the whole crew. All day the whole pregnancy thing has been on my mind, I couldn't stop thinking about it but I wasn't ready to tell Rog, I just wanted things to be good for a little longer. Especially knowing that this whole thing could backfire on me. I offered to cook tonight so I didn't have to do much interaction, due to the boys having a drink in the living room while I worked away in the kitchen. This also gave me an opportunity to have some alone time so I can fully think things through.

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