Friends (Bri! x John! x Y/N)

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Today was supposed to be like any other day, same routine, same route, same schedule. The same boring day that I always experience, until now. I had left my flat earlier this morning, making my way down to the assigned parking lot only to find a huge dent in my rear end, shattering a taillight. It hung by 2 wires while the bulb was shattered to pieces on the asphalt. It was raining on me as I attempted to push the taillight into the original slot, making my morning 10 times worse, I was cold and highly annoyed. I let out a frustrated sigh before getting myself back up on my feet and running to my apartment building. After trailing up the stairs I removed my coat along with soaking scarf, now breathing in a attempt to calm myself. I heard one of many doors from the hall squeak open, signaling either of my roommates were emerging. The curly headed guitarist slightly stumbled from his room with a groggy presence. Once he got to the front room he fully opened his squinting eyes, taking a look at me. He still wore his grey sweats along with white shirt he always put on at night.
"I thought you left for work?" He commented, rubbing his eyes before heading off into the kitchen connected to the living room.
"I was, but I went down, only to find the rear of my car fucking totaled. I'm already having a horrible morning and I'd rather it not progressively get worse." I rolled my eyes at the situation. Following him into the kitchen. I took ahold of the phone connected to the wall, dialing in my work number, then waiting for the ringing to connect to the line. I spoke to the receptionist about the car and my morning, she told me she'd excuse it as a sick day, allowing me to sigh in relief. Soon I hung up, leaning on the counter, observing Brian go about his morning in the kitchen.
"That sounds bad, especially for such a small parking lot. Who hits a car and doesn't go to get the owner? It literally says the flat number on the ground." Bri said after a few seconds of silence.
"I know, no one even left a note or showed any sign of acknowledgement. I'm sick of this stupid world." I huffed, stressfully running a hand through my hair.
"Dick. Along with inconsiderate, you don't deserve that." He muttered under his breath, but loud enough for me to hear as he poured the milk into his bowl of dry cereal. Another door could be heard from the hallway, only now John sleepily entered from the dimly sunlit hallway.
"Morning." He croaked, joining us in the kitchen. The two of us replied with the same word back to him.
"Y/N's car was hit, back end of it was wrecked. No one even let her know or any of that shit." Brian shared the information with our other roommate, saying it in a even tone. I nodded in disappointment as he recited the facts.
"Well shit, I'm sorry to hear that. You want a ride to work?" John questioned while searching the fridge next to me.
"No I'm fine, I called in, plus my car is good enough to get me to work. I'd probably just get in some trouble for the taillight." I shrugged.
"Although today's crap, there's always a beautiful tomorrow. I know it sucks right now, but we will do everything in our power to turn this day around. Put on your usual pretty smile." He peeped from the side of the door, giving me one of his bright grins.
"He's right, Y/N. Maybe later we can all go grab something to drink or lunch?" Brian always offered to take me out when I've had a crappy day. Him and I were close like that, and always have been since we were just teenagers who lived next to each other. When John and Brian met, I was introduced to him. I was good friends with John too, it felt like I've know him for as long as I've known Brian. It was just the 3 of us living together and I wouldn't have it any other way.
"I'd love that. I really appreciate the two of you." I faintly smiled at the two boys. Brian was still eating his cereal as John made his coffee. It was normally busy in the small flat we all shared. I'd be packing my lunch and eating, Brian would be eating, and John would be making his daily drink, its a tight space for the 3 of us.
"I'd offer to pay for the damage on your car but I know you'd refuse." John joked slightly, causing me to let out the smallest giggle.
"You're absolutely right, I love that we're all on the same terms." It was my turn to joke.
"What should we do this morning? Find the punk who damaged your car? Or sit down and play some scrabble?" Brian now joined the conversation, setting his bowl in the sink. I laughed and rolled my eyes at his suggestion.
"I'm never playing scrabble with you, ever again, Mister Brian." I thought back on the memories of always being beaten at the stupid game whenever I challenged him. I knew I wasn't stupid but boy, he made me feel absolutely dumb when we played together. I'm sure everyone else felt the same way.
"Hell no." I shook my head with a goofy grin.
"We all know how much Bri loves his weird scrabble." John sipped on his warm coffee, peaking up at the guitarist.
"You two just suck at it, it's not my fault I have a outlandish aspect on the English language. Very analytical."
"See? Now you're just showing off. Who knew your hair held so much knowledge." I took my hand to poke his untamed mane . Brian now looked at me annoyed. "Sorry Bri." I laughed. The rest of our morning was full of being defeated by the horrible Brian, along with lunch and tea. The two of them never failed to keep me happy and entertained. I'm very thankful to have such helping friends along with peers, I don't know where I'd be without them.

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