Teenage Nights (Ben! x Y/N)

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"I can't stop thinking about you." His accent was thick as he talked deeply. That was the first sentence spoken after I lazily answered my ringing phone that sat on the corner of my nightstand.

"Ben, it's 3 in the morning. You can't just call me this early." My argument was muffled by a groggy yawn.

"Baby, I can call you whenever I like, you don't have to reply though." I had known Ben had a crush on me for a while but just recently, he's been more open about it. I couldn't deny I felt feelings towards him, I just wasn't sure a relationship would be the best option right now. Both of us had just graduated from high school and now searched for what our lives would look like, we would always be in each others lives due to being lifelong friends. I didn't want to ruin what we had by going out.

"Shut up. What is it that you want?" I spread out on my bed, sort of posing like a star, the cool sheets felt relaxing against my exposed arms and legs. 

"Let me in." I had replied with a confused what? "Open your window and let me in."

"You do know my parents aren't home for the week, right? I could just let you in through the front door."

"This is more romantic, love." I rolled my eyes with a smirk, requesting him to hold on as I arose from the king sized bed. I only wore a tight fitting spaghetti-string tank top that rested like a crop top along with my black lace panties, the heat in the summer was unbearable in the house. I shuffled over to the window in the pitch dark, opening the window upon request, and there he was sitting with his legs hanging off the side of the roof with his back facing me. He had turned around to peak at me with his loving smile. That smile always sent butterflies crazy in my stomach, it took every nerve in my body to not just grab onto him and kiss him. "Good morning." He continued to look at me, his eyes darting around to different viewing points on me.

"Are you coming in? Or are you gonna jump?" I crossed my arms, admiring him. He wore a perfect grey fitting tee-shirt, it highlighted his biceps perfectly, along with dark blue skinny jeans. He looked handsome in anything he wore, sometimes I wondered what he'd look like with nothing on. 

"I'd rather jump into bed with you." He shot me a wink, scooting himself back and then climbing his way into my bedroom through the white windowsill. He was a stumbling mess as he regained  his balance, both of us laughed at the experience. "Well I'm in." He laughed slightly, then placing an unexpected kiss on my forehead. I stood still by the opened aperture as he made his way to the right side of my bed, slipping his shoes off then his shirt and his pants too. He was now only standing in his black boxer briefs, I hadn't even acknowledged myself looking him up and down slowly. "You going to join me or just stand there?" 

"You seem up to something, Hardy." I now accompanied him on the edge of my bed. He stood towering over me, we only located from each other just a few inches, I'm sure he could feel my warm and uneven breath. He used one of his clamy hands to brush back a piece of my hair, tucking it behind my ear. He knew that made me weak, anything he did made me weak.

"You're always so nervous around me, you'd think at this point you'd be better." He then faced his back towards the bed and jumped back, now laying down as he looked at me.

"You'd think after being rejected so much, you'd give up." I decided to lay on my stomach, holding up my head with my two hands as my elbows were dug into the mattress. Our sides were touching, it was comfortable being so close to him. 

"Don't pretend you don't feel the same way about me." It was quite obvious we both liked each other, I didn't mind him knowing I just feared it would change our friendship. "Why are you so hesitant to be with me?" His voice rang after a small moment of shared silence. One of my hands now played with his soft blonde hair, he was the most delicate work of art I had ever seen, his skin was smooth as if it was kissed by mother earth herself. Everything he said made waves roar in the ocean, everything he touched turned to pure love, everything he loved was beautiful and meaningful. He was like an angel sent to earth, mistakingly falling in love with the randomest girl. With him I felt like I was in my personal Garden of Eden. 

"Aren't you afraid of things changing if we were romantically together?" I spoke in a smokey like tone.

"How so?" One of his eyebrows slightly rose.

"What if we broke up? I would still love to be your friend, I just fear how you feel. I'm afraid of ruining our friendship, I love the two of us together." Thinking about my fears towards getting together made me realize there wasn't much to fear.

"I love the two of us together too, Y/N. But I want to be able to love you to the fullest, romantically and whatever else comes along. I would never leave you, even if we broke up but I absolutely know we wouldn't." His testify made me think. Everything felt suddenly so rushed, I couldn't keep track of my frantic heartbeat in my chest. "I love you with every pulsing vein in my body, every single thing about you takes my breath away." 

"Will you love me like this forever?" My voice was hushed, I was surprised he could even hear me. 

"I could never not love you." His tone matched mine. 

"Then kiss me and promise me a forever." I saw his bright smile form in the dark ambience surrounding us, even in the dark he was still radiant. He sat up slightly, only high enough to reach my lips, we were so close to having our lips actually touch. I wanted to take in every aspect of the moment, I had never kissed him before, this was special no matter how hard I tried to deny it. I could feel his smile against mine, I think we were both hesitant to lean closer. I suddenly got the courage to finally kiss him, his lips matched mine, moving together perfectly. His lips were much softer than they appeared which was crazy, everyday I saw him all I could think about was how delicate they looked. It drove me slightly insane knowing my lips were finally interlocked with his, I didn't have to fend off anything I had for him at this point. He pulled away after a few minutes of soft kissing, I felt much different after, I felt like it was right.

"Y/N Y/L/N, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on." Our foreheads touched as he breathily said his sentence. "Inside and out." I bit my lip in admiration. 

"Can I be honest?" I inquired. 

"Go for it, baby." He made me swoon.

"I love you."

"And I love you too, princess."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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