Birthday Dinner (Rog!Ben x Y/N)

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"Please Roger, just tell me where we're going. I don't like being led around in the dark while it's cold as hell, I just want to cuddle up with you." I whined. It was my 21st birthday tonight and of course Roger had a little trick up his sleeve, I wanted to keep today lowkey which luckily it had been until 10 minutes ago when he made me put a blindfold on. I thought the blindfold was just to add kinkiness but no, I was wrong, it was because he wanted to surprise me.
"Y/N, you'll be fine. We have time later, plus we're almost here." He guided me up a flight of stairs which I quickly recognized as our apartments entrance. He wasn't too good with surprises so I kept quiet, I didn't want to discourage him. Last Christmas he told me that he had a big surprise for me, but later he left his shopping list on the fridge that had the surprise written and highlighted. 'Y/N new necklace!'. I never told him I knew though. I heard the click of the lock as I shivered in the cold hallway. "Come right in, love." He allowed me to walk in front of him, closing the door once both of us entered the cozy home.
"May I take the blindfold off now?" He didn't answer. I waited a few seconds in complete silence before saying his name. "Roger, stop shitting around. Can I take the blindfold off?" I waited again. Nothing. I scoffed and took the blindfold off not wanting to wait anymore. As soon as I looked up, Freddie, Mary, Brian, and John stood before me.
"Surprise!" They all yelled in unison. I knew it. I laughed lightly and embraced each one with a hug. After I shared my thanks I questioned Rogers whereabouts. I knew he had to be somewhere around the apartment, everyone started chatting once the surprise was revealed and I went on my hunt to find the blonde boy. I didn't even notice the smell when I entered he apartment but it smelled amazing. I made my way to the kitchen, seeing Rogers back turned to me while slaving away over the stove. It was my turn to surprise him, I quietly made my way into the kitchen, once behind him I wrapped my arms around his waist attempting to put my head on the side of his bicep so I could have a view at what he was doing.
"There's my love, enjoying yourself so far?" He asked looking over and down at me.
"Of course, Rog. This is perfect, I always enjoy being surrounded by the people I love. Especially you." I snuggled closer to him, I love when he's home. He's been all over the place recently, especially with Queen starting to get bigger. We sometimes didn't see each other for days, only relying on phone calls and love letters. The letters were old fashioned but we loved writing them to each other. I loved seeing him pour his heart out onto a page, his handwriting was art to my eyes, I knew he was genuine about the things he said. Something in his voice gave away that he always told me the truth.
"I'm really glad you're enjoying yourself, Y/N. I'll get everyone from the living room, you go and put on some music of your choice." He turned around facing me, his warm calloused hands caressed my cheek before kissing me softly. He pulled away allowing our foreheads to touch, he smiled and then left me to figure out my next move. I walked over to our record player, searching through a few songs, I settled on the song Satisfaction from The Rolling Stones, I knew Roger would enjoy the choice. Soon after, everyone started gathering in a line for food, everyone served themselves and sat where they wanted. Our table was strangely set up, we had a long table, 2 chairs at each side of the table marking 'the head' of it, then 2 on the longer side, 3 on the opposite. Freddie and Marry took the pair of 2 on the side, Brian and Freddie took the ends of the table, which left me sitting between Roger and John. We all ate a shared stories, along with laughs and yells.
"Let's all rise, dears!" Freddie called out dramatically. Everyone stood, taking ahold of their champagne glass. I fixed my skirt a little which caused Roger to fix his eyes on me, then his eyes moved down. He used his free hand to perform a small squeez on my ass, my eyes shot open and I gave him a small playful hit to his arm causing him to smirk at me. We all then focused on the star of the show. "I would like to congratulate our dearest Y/N on her beautiful birthday. Let's make this a night for the books! Cheers!" We all clanked our glasses together with smiles. Everyone took a seat yet again, enjoying their meals.
"So, Y/N, got any plans for this year as a 21 year old?" Brian asked me as he gathered food on his fork.
"Of course, giving you and Rog a haircut." I stated before taking a bite of my food.
Roger laughed sarcastically, "Real funny." I laughed at his remark and so did a few others. I listened in on Freddie's ideas for new songs and recording techniques, they always discussed those things over dinner. I didn't mind because I loved watching Roger think through things
"What about a new song called All the Notes I Wrote? About a man who wrote a series of notes to his beloved lover and gifted them to her." Freddie introduced his idea.
"That sounds quite lovely. Maybe he gives her a box of notes that he wrote specifically for her so when he leaves home, she can read them to herself." John added in.
"And they've written notes before, so this is their own little thing for each other. Get what I'm saying?" Brian chimed.
"I love that idea." Roger finished the conversation. He picked up his fork and suddenly dropped it, you could hear him swear under his breath. When he rose back up, he had a medium sized, clearly painted cardboard box. It had finally clicked. Their song idea was a set up. "Oh, that's weird. Maybe you should open it Y/N, it has your name on it." I could tell it was his handwriting. I took the box with a huge grin on my face, I carefully ran my hands around the rim of it, taking in every detail. I finally got the courage to open the lid, I couldn't help but gasp. The box was completely stuffed with neat envelopes, all had a different date and time on them, some had even cute little messages written on the front.
"Roger, I don't even know what to say."
"I know it's not much, nor is it beautiful." He slightly laughed.
"Baby, I don't care that it's just envelopes with writing on the inside, it's absolutely breathtaking." I looked over at him and leaned towards him in order to give him a small temporary hug. I looked back in the box, noticing the top one had today's date. "May I open this one?" I asked him to make sure it was okay for me to look at one.
"Of course." With his answer, I swiftly opened the note, unfolding it and fixing my eyes on the page.

Dear beautiful,

Today's your birthday! I hope you enjoyed your surprise. As I'm writing this, I'm missing you like crazy, the 4 of us just came up with how we're going to give this to you. I'm only writing this a week before your birthday but I still wish you the happiest birthday and I will do all in my power to make it that way. The notes in this box are for you whenever you miss me and I'm on tour. Some of them are doodles, songs, poems, or just normal notes, I wanted to put in everything. It's a little overpacked but that means more happiness for my girl.

Happy birthday doll,
Roger xoxo

This birthday wasn't too bad after all.

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