Aching Part 2 (Rog! x Y/N)

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Clutter of metal against the ceramic material filled the bright and happy atmosphere throughout the restaurant. It was quite busy for a Wednesday morning, but most of the people here seemed to be elders enjoying their retirement. It was a little scary, the thought of getting old and some day not being as youthful and energetic as I am now. But now is not the time to dwell, it's the time to live.

"You know, I don't think I've ever asked you what you do for living." I commented, pointing my fork at him before taking another bite of my order. I knew he made money, how else could he afford his nice home with a car, along with all this extra stuff such as breakfast. He hasn't left the house without me for a week, he must do something or get his money from someone.

"I actually own a lumber company, it was my fathers before mine. We have one here in London, then 2 in America. Luckily I'm able to hire people to take care of business for me so I can enjoy my life at home, doing absolutely nothing." He laughed slightly. It made sense, he was able to make money without doing much of the heavy work. He knew I didn't work and only had money from Rogers bank account, all of my cards were hooked to his bank and he hadn't removed any of them yet so I continued to use them for my necessities.

"I've been wanting to get a job but I'm just not sure where to look. Or even what I want to do." I looked down at the almost empty plate that sat in front of me. He hummed in response, then used the white-unfolded napkin to wipe his mouth.

"There's a record store right across from the house actually, you might check it out since you're quite fond of music." I was a bit flattered he remembered my love for music, it was what made me feel and think. I also dated a rockstar for 6 years, how could I not love music? The two of us finished our meals while having small conversations about all different things. Getting to know Oliver was the highlight of my week, him and I got along so well although we weren't much alike.

"I'll have to check it out." I gave him a smile as I considered the idea.

The air outside was a bit chilly, not too bad to handle though. Goosebumps arose upon my gentle skin, sending shivers down my spine (BODYS ACHING ALL THE TIMEEEE). We walked in a pair, the sound of distant traffic could be made out through the crisp breeze we both encountered. Our strolling led us to this small park that was placed on the bank of a fenced off pond. Oliver had averted his eyes to my now shivering frame, the wind across the body of water made the air seem a lot colder and it was taking an affect on me physically. I had noticed the grizzly man next to me had removed his olive-green pea coat, only leaving him in his grey sweater and black jeans.

"For you, my lady." He dramatized the action, making it come off as sarcastically romantic. I had to admit I was flattered by his kind gesture.

"Thank you, kind sir." I played back, accepting the larger coat. As I slid it on I realized I looked like a 2 year old wearing their fathers jacket. Everything about the coat wasn't snug or form fitting, but it made me warm on the inside and out. We continued our path that led us to a wooden park bench that over looked the pond. As he sat down and let out a sigh of relief, I pushed up against the fence, looking out onto the water. In eyesight, there swam side by side, two white ducks. One duck happened to be bigger and fluffier than the other, making me slightly giggle thinking about Oliver and I compared to the wild animals.

"Look," I said pointing out in the direction of the birds, "it's us." He stood up from where he had just placed himself and joined me at the fence, looking out with me. I looked over at him and admired his features as he averted his eyes out to the direction I pointed at. His nose and cheeks were flushed red due to the temperature out, I hadn't noticed before but he had long eyelashes that I was slightly jealous of. I couldn't help but smile in admiration. He then looked down at me, making eye contact that forced now a blush upon my face.

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