She's a super freak (Brian! x Y/N)

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"Are you back in London?" I questioned over the phone, hearing loud clutter from the other end.

"We got back Monday, you don't listen to anything I say, do you?" I heard John chuckle. John and I met a few years ago through classes at Chelsea, both of us studied Science and Technology, we happened to sit next to each other on the first day and immediately became the bestest of friends. To do this day, even when he's the biggest loser ever, I'm still right by his side. "You should drop by, everyone wants to see you!" He exclaimed.

"Alright, alright, I don't have anything better to do I guess." I said in a dramatic tone, John shot me a quick "oh shut up" before giving me the address and hanging up. I let out a big sigh before leaving to my room, getting a coat and a pair of shades, I knew Brian was going to be there, he's in the band so of course he'd be there. For as long as I've know Brian, I've had a major crush on him, just like the ones you get in grade school, Brian is always so quiet and kept to himself so it was hard even figuring out if he had any sort of feelings towards me. I knew nothing would ever happen between us though, he's far too shy and I'm too shy to reach out. I quickly left my flat, grabbing my car keys before exiting and locking the door behind me.

"Y/N, my dear, oh how I've missed you!" Freddie greeted me after I set down my semi heavy bag, he welcomed me with a warm hug that I truly missed. I missed all of the boys, all of them had their own unique quirks, it was a very different group you normally don't see. Once I asked where the group was, Freddie pointed me towards the end of the hallway then went outside to smoke his cigarette. I walked to the backroom, wiping my sweaty hands on my jeans while entering, all 3 of the boys looked up suddenly having a grin play on their faces.

"Look what the cat dragged in!" John said, standing from his sitting position then making his way towards me. "Welcome back, Y/N." He said while giving me a slight side hug. I looked over at the others, giving Roger a nod when he smiled at me, the smiling at Brian when the two of us made eye contact. All he gave me was a smile back, then looked back down at his guitar, his reaction gave me slight disappointment but I was used to it at this point.

An hour had passed of listening in on them rehearse and share ideas, I had ripped a paper from my notebook and had been scribbling on it the whole time in order to pass the time. I looked up, tapping the end of my pencil to the paper whenever Roger hit his drums, I slightly bobbed my head at the music then returned my attention to the blank side of the paper. What to write, what to write... I looked up yet again, my gaze focusing on the guitarist about 10ish feet away from me, Brian looked so focused on his work when he played. His hands gripped his guitar perfectly, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration while sweat beaded on his forehead, it was the best sight ever. I quickly got my inspiration on what to write to pass the time.

A few songs later and a few arguments, it was break time, all the boys were hydrating themselves along with cooling down some. "Y/N, could you go across the street and get us like a pizza or something, we're all starving." Roger asked while getting out his wallet.

"Of course, the usual?" I asked, looking at everyone. They all nodded which meant it was my time to leave and retrieve the food.


I took a big drink of water, watching Y/N walk off, I looked over to her seat after she wasn't to be seen anymore. Her notebook sat on the edge of the cushioned spinning chair, peaking from under it a folded piece of paper sat. I stood up, approaching the chair before swiftly taking it when no one was watching. I excused myself real quick and headed into the hallway, now leaning up against the softly carpeted material wall. I had noticed her watching me, then looking down at her paper while smiling, I had a feeling it was something about me, but I just wanted to see, it was probably bad snooping but I needed to. I carefully unfolded the white paper, taking a final look both ways down the hallway before reading.

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