Behind the Scenes (Ben! x Y/N)

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"Dad please just let me get to work." I shook my head slightly while laughing over the phone, this was a normal occurrence between us.
"Okay, okay, I'm glad you're doing this though Y/N. I'm really proud of you."
"Yeah, okay. I'll call you later?" He hummed in reply, then we both said our goodbyes. My dad was a little, what's the word, obsessed with me. But at least I knew he cared, he's definitely the best father I could ask for. I took in a nervous breath, taking a look in the mirror making sure I looked somewhat professional. I left the counter I stood in front of, making my way over to the production team, patiently waiting for what tasks I needed to finish.
"Y/N, they should be coming any minute, could you make sure all the dressings rooms are prepped along with the hair and makeup booth?" Someone in the group gave me the directions, I replied with a yes and then went off to do my duty. I enjoyed working here, a lot, I loved the studio, I loved the behind the scenes aspect, everything was so exciting to me although I had only started not long ago, and I needed something captivating. I quickly checked in all four rooms, closing the doors behind me and taking a look on my clipboard to make sure the outfit matched with the names written on the door. All seemed just fine. There was a sound of energetic attitudes in the main room, lasting for a few minutes while I stood by the marked off areas. Soon the chatter seemed to move down the hallway, only now revealing the source, the 4 main guys of the current Bohemian Rhapsody film. I've heard my father chat about them quite a lot so it felt as if this wasn't my first time meeting all of them.
"Welcome! Each of your rooms has a name board on it, make yourself at home. I will be in shortly once everyone gets situated." I said with a bright smile while looking at each one of them. I knew everyone's name I just didn't have a face to put it to, but I did know 'Ben Hardy' would be playing my father. They all thanked me and entered the correct room while I stood outside distracting myself for 5 minutes. I knocked softly on the first door, Rami Malek, playing as the one and only Freddie Mercury. I heard a light come in, signaling me to open the door. "Good morning, Mr. Malek." I said as I shut the door.
"Good morning, Miss?" He waited to receive my last name.
"Taylor." I replied, setting down my clipboard on the red velvet couch cushion.
"Ah, Rogers daughter, got it - so what do we have today?" I walked him through the outfit, also helping him with some pieces he struggled with. At the end, he looked like Mercury's part in Break Free, but without the classic wig and makeup. "Perfect." He laughed while clapping his hands together at his reflection.
"I'll leave you alone, you can come and find me if something is wrong." And with that I left the room. I got myself prepared for the next room while scribbling down notes and marking off things on my to do list. To my favor, Ben Hardy was next in line, I was excited to finally meet the man who was playing as my dad. I gave the door a knock like the one before and anticipated an acknowledgement at the sound, the door opened while Ben stood there slightly confused. "Hardy?" I snickered lightly at his expression.
"I recognized you when I came in, do I know you from somewhere? I could never forget a face that beautiful" He inquired, looking me up and down,
"You probably do." I chuckled once again, entering the room. "You know my dad very well, in fact, you're playing him." A look of realization echoed on his face. I have to say, he's pretty attractive, but that's probably not the best thing to say about the guy who's acting as your father.
"I haven't seen you around much, and I'm quite surprised, I thought you'd be joining your father for some shoots." He made his way over to the lit up vanity, picking up a few stray pieces of paper, flipping through them.
"I've been away to Ohio, graduating from one of the many beauty schools in America. It's actually supposed to be the best there. I've been working here for about three weeks now" I said slightly softer than my sentence before, following after him to the mirror. He looked up at me through the cheval glass, catching my eyes. He had beautiful eyes, a gaze that made you desire to be unraveled in his mind, even a blink made your heart flutter.
"I assume thats why you're in the studio then? Finally able to work here?" He smiled softly, taking the side of his lip between his teeth.
"You got it right. Enough talking though - lets discuss the outfit and components." I conveyed as I escorted myself to the opposite end of the dressing room. Gently placing the materials over my arm, then shuffling back over to Ben. "The tights are easy, roll the whole leg down to where you'd put your foot in." I demonstrated the process by showing him how to roll them.
"Mhm..." He hummed, I looked over at him about to say another sentence but realized he was gawking at me.
"Are you even paying attention to anything I'm saying?" I let out a breathy laugh, more annoyed than amused. He yet again smiled while looking down, then shook his head as an answer. I went over the instructions again, forcing him to pay attention this time, once he understood everything I walked to the corner to direct my attention on the wall so he could change into the costume. After a few minutes he gave me approval for turning back around. The white button up was not buttoned up at all, along with not tucked into the black mini flare skirt, the rest seemed fine. I made my way over to him, so I could assist. "Can't you button your own shirt?" I asked, slightly frustrated while folding his collar.
"I mean - I can, but with a pretty thing like you, I'd rather you get it for me." He sure was flirty, and he had what seemed to be no shame. I attempted to roll my eyes with a mean look plastered on my face but failed, ending up still rolling my eyes but with a grin. "I saw that smile." He said with an achieved look playing upon his face. I started buttoning the shirt up, feeling his gaze directly on my face, I was too nervous to look up for I knew we'd lock eyes again.
"Tuck it in." I adjusted the tie and laid it down nicely, then taking a step back to give him space.
"I don't know how to." He said with a fake frown.
"Bye, Ben." I breathed out in my best 'sweet' voice, I didn't want to deal with him acting stupid in order for me to help him.
"Bye, love." He marveled before tucking the shirt in.
I had helped all 4 men with their 'drag-ish' costumes, now working as one of the two makeup artists, not having to do this all on my own, luckily. I set up my iPad on the white plastic makeup counter, I used the piece of equipment for notes, references, and scheduling, which helped me due to needing to pull up reference photos for each look. I felt my phone buzz in the pocket of my black apron, notifying me my father just got here, earlier he told me him and Brian would be coming to the studio to help direct some of the scenes and he would text me when he arrived. Soon natural light flooded the room, causing everyone to look over, the two of them entered, stopping to chat some with others. I went about my business, getting all my colors and brushes I needed all set out in an organized fashion. The only thing on the agenda was Joe and Rami, just as looking over the plan I directed my attention to the dressing room hall, watching all four members of the makeshift 'band' walk over to the two booths. I excused myself for a quick second, approaching my father and my non-blood related uncle, embracing both of them with a hug.
"I see you still haven't cut your hair!" I exclaimed to Brian, using my hand to scrunch it ever so lightly.
"I see you still can't shut up about my hair!" He beamed back, earning a laugh from all three of us.
"Well, if you follow me you two can help with the looks or just venture around the set." I reported, then listening to them debate on what to do, they decided to take a look around the studio. I happily walked back to my booth, inviting Joe to sit down in the black spiny chair. "You ready?" I asked him through our reflections.
"Ready as I'll ever be."
After an hour and a half of makeup + a wig, his look was complete, I was pretty proud of myself for I matched him completely to John Deacons original look. He admired himself in awe, then thanked me and walked off to go chat with Roger and Brian. I turned around to grab the disinfecting container for the brushes so I could soak all the used materials. I turned around to call out for Rami so we could get right onto it but I was quickly stopped.
"Ben, get out of the chair, you're with Mescelia." I rolled my eyes while crossing my arms. Both his hands held onto his phone while he focused his gaze down. "Hello? Hardy?" I waved my hand in front of the screen.
"No, you have me." He said lazily without looking up from his phone.
"Oh really? Let's see here." I sassily grabbed the iPad, going to my agenda, placing the technology in front of his face. His eyes slowly scanned it.
"Yeah, right there, Ben Hardy with attachment images." He looked up at me while reciting what was 'said' on the screen. I quickly flipped it over, letting myself see on my own.
"I swear it said Rami not even 2 hours ago."
"I guess someone changed it." He shrugged. It was him, that little fucker. I huffed, this guy was a real pain in my ass. I grabbed the wig from the other station, taking my time to put it on him where it would stay. Every time I looked at his reflection to see what I needed to adjust I always saw him looking at me through the mirror too. Once the wig was secured I added some light foundation for he didn't need much, using a beauty blender to smooth out the application. I knew making this absolutely perfect would take some time.
Another 2 hours passed, leading me to the final finish, lipstick.
"I have to say, you make a beautiful woman." I whispered slightly so only he heard me as I concentrated on shaping his lips.
"You're a beautiful woman. Maybe let this beautiful woman take you out on a date? Beautiful woman to beautiful woman." He said while barely moving his lips, I looked at him as he looked from my lips to my eyes.
"What happens if I say yes?" I questioned with a sly smirk. What was I even thinking, this guy was frustrating the hell out of me earlier.
"I'll show you my tits." He joked, letting out a small laugh.
"You aren't afraid of what my dad would think?"
"Well are you?"
"I'm afraid for you." I winked at him after taking the lipstick applicator off his lips.
"So is that a yes?" He asked after rubbing his now pink lips together.
"Let's see how you do today and then I'll answer the question." I gave him a small smile as he stood up, using the arm chairs as support.
"I know it will be a yes." He called out while strutting away. I rolled my eyes at his annoyingness, yet he was adorable at the same time.

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