1|Pain and suffering

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Kylie shivered in her cold cage. For as long as she could remember, tinies were hardly ever found in the wild anymore. Ever since they discovery of them less than 20 years ago, tinies had been placed in pet shops all over the world. And the younger the tiny was, the higher the value and price of it would be. She was two years old, so therefore, had the highest price. But tinies were also easily damaged. And some humans often used their power over a tiny to their advantage. And the shopkeeper who had her in his stocks, was one of those types of humans. "Wake up, little maggots!" Immediately all two hundred Tinies ranging from toddler to adults were up on their feet. Only to see by the clock it was 10:30PM. Shop man was clearly drunk again. They all stood perfectly still as he paced about the small shop. Suddenly Kylie sneezed, and his eyes snapped onto her little form. "What did I say about making noise, you little fucking shit?!" "Pwease, I dwidn't mwean to mwake ywou angrwy- he grabbed her and sent her flying to the back of the cage. "I don't want to hear your fucking excuses! No food for you tonight!" He stormed into another room. Kylie sobbed quietly, than realized that, in his drunken stupor, shop man had left the cage door open. Quickly, she slipped out, and made a hasty dash for the edge of the shelf. It was a long way down to the floor. How was she supposed to get down in one piece. Then the door to the other room being reopened, caused her to fall into a open bag full of bottles. She heard shop man grumbling under his breath as the bag was carried somewhere than dropped roughly. She looked out to see she was outside. She decided right then and there that she had to get as far away as possible, before he realized she was gone and hunt her down. She then disappeared into the night, leaving the hell that was a pet shop behind her.

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