Chapter 1 - Graduate !

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Today was the day. It was my graduation day. I was really excited because finally I could get out from this stressful life as a high school student. What a relief !

It was a bright day for me. I woke up early, just right after the sun showed up. It was 6 a.m. My alarm was still ringing as I set it to woke me up this morning last night.

I slowly woke up while rubbing my eyes gently. I looked around, it was dark everywhere. Right after that, I stood up and walked towards the switch to turn on the lamp. It was strange that every morning I got up with the lamp got turn off. I always let the lamp open because well, I'm afraid of dark. But I don't find it strange anymore because my mother always said that she was the one who turned off the lamp. At least it was not a ghost.

As usual, I grabbed on my towel and slowly walked towards the bathroom to wash up. It was just automatic. I just did the same thing everyday although it was weekend. I just don't like to waste my time by sleeping. Right after washing up, I dried my hair with the hair dryer. My long black hair was swaying downwards and upwards due to the hot wind from the hair dryer. I opened my wardrobe and picked up my uniform. I quickly put it on and sat in front of the mirror. Then, I combed my hair slowly and tie it into a ponytail. Afterwards, I slowly opened my door's room and walked towards the kitchen.

As I was walking, I caught a mouth-watering smell from the kitchen. Pancakes! That was the first thing that came up from my mind. I quickly ran towards kitchen and saw my mother was there. " Mom! " I hugged her from the back. "Oh,Hye rim-ah. My lovely 20 years old daughter! Why did you woke up so early? It just half past seven now," I gave her a stunned look. My mother released herself from my hug and brought a plate full of pancakes to the dining table. I slightly asked, "Mom, I will be 21 in two month. But mom, don't you remember what is the day today?" My mother just smile. I kept wondering did she really forgot about my graduation. I just pulled out my sad face and sat on the chair quietly. My mother just chuckled and came to me with a smile. "Of course I remember that it is your graduation today," she said calmly and continued, "I'll came by with your dad, don't worry." Wow ,that was really the anwer of all queries that was on my mind just now. "Thanks, mom. I love you." She kissed me on my forehead and said "I love you too" lovingly.

Before I left, both of my parents peck me on the cheeks. Well, since I am their only daughter, they seems to love me so much. Most important thing ever, I love them too. I just love my life! What a happy life I am living on! Loving family, had graduate , the greatest life ever! But, I shouldn't be happy too soon. I never imagined that all of that was being taken away just like that from me...just in a blink of eye.

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