Chapter 30 - Found you

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Hyerim's POV

Where was Jin right now? I need to find him quick. Where was he? The store, my workplace. He must be there! I quickly ran towards the store. After 15 minutes tiring run, I managed to reach there. I looked around and I saw a gesture was sitting on the bench outside the store. He was looking down. He was wearing a white shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I decided to walked closer to see who it was. I took a closer look. Jin! I found him!

I quickly sat beside him. He was still looking down. "Jin, is it you?" I asked but he didn't give any answer. But I knew, he was my husband. I turned to him. "I'm sorry, Jin. I didn't told you earlier that I was going to my boss house. I help him set up his house because he just move in nearby. My phone was dead and--" he suddenly hugged me, cutting me off from what I want to say. I just frozed. "It's okay... You come back..." he said in monotone. "Thank..." he stopped suddenly. I felt a heavy weight on me and he was no longer hugging me. His hand was hanging just like that and his body was pushed on my body.

"Jin, are you okay?" I asked worriedly but didn't give any anwer. I then cupped his face. I looked at his face. He was pale! His cheeks was chilling! "Jin?" I said as patted his soft cheeks. No reaction. Did he just passed out? He was as cold as ice. I need to warm him up. I quickly take off my coat and put it on him. Oh my! I need to bring him home now!

Taehyung's POV

Hyerim and Jin hyung still doesn't come back. All of us were worried sick about them. My phone suddenly rang. I took a look at the caller's ID. It was Hyerim. I quickly picked up. "Hyerim? Are you okay?" I asked right away. The boys paid attention on my conversation. "Taehyung help me! Jin! Please come quick!" She said worriedly. "What's going on? What's wrong with Jin?" The boys got shocked by my question. "I'll tell you later. Just come quick!" She said desperately. "Where are you?" I asked as the boys got more curious. "My workplace! Please come quick!" She said, half-shouting. "Otw!" I said as I hang up. I then grabbed my coat and drove off to Hyerim's workplace.

Hyerim's POV

Come on, Taetae! Quick! It had been 10 minutes since I called him. I took a glance at Jin. He rested his head on my lap, with my overcoat on him. He become paler. Please Taehyung, I don't want to see him died. Please, be quick!

Out of the blue, Taehyung showed up. He ran towards at us. His jaw dropped as he saw Jin was stayed unconscious on my lap. "What happen? He asked worriedly. "I'll tell you later. We have to get home quick. He may died of freezing. Help me to lift him up," I said as Taehyung lift Jin and brought him to the car. He slowly placed Jin on the backseat and I hopped into the backseat too. He quickly drove off. Jin rested his head on my shoulder, still unconcious. I slowly carresed his soft cheeks while looking at him. "Hang in there, oppa." I said in the monotone.

After a moment, we arrived at the house. Taehyung and I was bringing Jin inside the house. The boys seems to be suprised as they saw their Jin hyung unconscious. "Namjoon oppa, can you help Taehyung carried Jin to his room?" I said and Namjoon quickly nodded then obeyed my order. The boys still shocked. "Jungkook oppa, turned the heater inside Jin's room now, please be quick!" Jungkook then rushed off to Jin's room while I rushed off to the kitchen. I quickly fulfilled a small basin with warm water and ran towards Jin's room. I quickly entered the room, where all the boys were now.

Jin was still unconscious. I slowly sat beside him and placed my hand on his forehead. It was hot. I then placed the basin on the bedside table and took a thermometer. I checked for his temperature, 38°C. He caught a fever. I then damped a handkerchief with the warm water and gently placed it on his forehead. I hope that would cold down the heat.

I looked at the boys. They seems shocked. All of them and looked at me. "Can you please tell us what happen?" Suga asked. I took a deep breath then exhaled. "He was sitting on the bench outside my workplace when I found him. I sat beside him and talked to him. He then hugged me and suddenly passed out." I said and the boys hummed. "You should rest. All of you. You must be tired." I said and asked the boys to sleep. They just leave with frowned. I was very sure that they were worried about Jin. What a sweet friendship they had.

I stayed alone with Jin. He still hasn't awake. I was worried about him. I hope he would recovered quickly. I felt uneasy. I need to washed up. I then stood up and make my way to exit the room for a while. Suddenly, a hand gripped my hand. "Stay," He said while his eyes were tightly closed.

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