Chapter 21 - Dinner

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Hyerim's POV

I hopped into Jin's car as he unlocked it. He then hopped into the driver's seat and tied his seatbelt and so I. He then started the engine and drove off. "Uhm... don't you hungry?" Jin asked me as he drove the car and his eyes was still on the road. "Hmm..yeah... I didn't grabbed my lunch either. The class started before lunch and I came to the boutique directly because I don't wanna be late, " I slightly said and the car stopped despite of the red traffic light. "What? Why don't you you told me you haven't eaten your lunch? You must be starving earlier. Let's grabbed something to eat then." He said and drove his car again.

After a while, we arrived at a restaurant. It wasn't a fancy restaurant, just an ordinary one. I was kind of puzzled because I thought that someone rich like him would never come to a restaurant like this. Duh, he drove a ferrari just now. Of course he was rich! I like him, he was kind of humble and nice. "May I?" He said as he hold out his hand. I just nodded and he interwhined his hand with mine. We then entered the restaurant and sat at a table by the restaurant's door. "Ahjumma!" Jin said and a middle-aged woman came towards us. "Jin! Who is this?" She slightly asked as she pointed at me. "She was my fiance. We were going to be married the day after tomorrow," Jin said as he looked at me. I just blushed at his glance. Why did I blush? I don't know.

"Aww...What a sweet couple you are.So, what do you want to eat, today?" The woman asked us again. "Hmm... what about chicken stew? Do you fine with it, jagi?" Jin asked me. Wait... did he called me "Jagi" just now? Argh! He really know how to make my heart beat fast! "I'm fine with anything, oppa." Wait... what did I said earlier? Oppa? Hyerim, are you out of your mind already? He just smiled and I saw his cheeks turned into pinky rose. Maybe because of the cold night, I thought. He then placed the order and we stayed silent. The whole day was tiring to me. I don't think I want to do anything. One thing that I want the most was a peaceful sleep after the meal. After a while, our order was served on our table. He ordered a lot of food. How do I wanted to finish all this with him?

A moment later, we finished our meal. The whole meal was scrumptious! I was full now. "Do you like it?" Jin asked and I quickly looked at him. I just nodded cheerfully. "I like it so much, oppa!" Here I go again, why did I called him oppa? I was blushing uncontrobably after I said that. I heard him chuckles. "I glad you enjoy it. Should we get going then?" We both stood up and walked towards the counter to pay. Then, we walked towards the car and both of us hopped into the car right after Jin unlocked it.

"I like it." Jin said as he tied his seatbelt. "What? The food? I like it too." I said as I tied on my seatbelt too. "No, I mean you calling me... oppa," he said as he leaned closer. Our face was just an inches away. My face was slightly as red as a tomato now. "If you don't mind, can I called you jagi?" He said as he backed off and started off the engine. "Ermm...sure. But only after we got married, okay?" I said strightly. "Okay, then." He said and then drove off.

Jin's POV

It was quiet. Neither I nor Hyerim spoke up. Out of the blue, I heard her yawned. I just chuckled because she sounded cute. "What? Why did you laugh?" She asked as she looked at me. Although my eyes was on the road, I knew that she was looking at me right now. "Nothing," I said while smiling. "Are you sleepy? You may sleep if you want to. My house was quite far from here. It would took a while to reach there," I said as I stopped at the red traffic light and looked at her. She already dozed off. She was a sleepy-head, just like Suga. I then continued my drive as the green light shown.


"Hyerim, wake up. We're here." I softly shooked her arms. She just sleeping soundly. She must be a heavy-sleeper. I then hopped out and opened the door at her side. As expect, she was still sleeping. "Hyerim-ah, wake up..." I said as I patted her soft cheeks. She just shrugged and still sleeping. "Ugh... I want to sleep..." she murmured in her sleep. I had no choice, I had to lift her up. I gently untied her seatbelt and carried her bridal-style and opened my door's house my entering the code. It was quite hard because I was carrying Hyerim but I made it.

I slowly walked towards her room and softly placed her on her bed. I was about to leave but suddenly she grabbed my wrist and pulled me away, causing me to fell and laying beside her. She then hugged me tightly. "Urgh... Mario... You're so soft... Let me hug you forever..." she murmured while she was sleeping. Did she thought that I was Mario? Maybe she was dreaming of hugging a giant mario's plushie now. I shrugged to escape but she was hugging me tightly. I couldn't move a muscle. I yawned. I was too sleepy. I'll sleep here tonight. I'll woke up early tomorrow to make sure that she wasn't suprised by woking up while hugging me. I then dozed off to the dreamland when I was still in her embrace.

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