Introduction - The History of the 9 Realms cont.

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Introduction - The History of the 9 Realms cont.

"Each branch, Bur learned, represented a different realm, with unique galaxies and beings living inside. The golden branch he had felt so drawn to was his rightful home, where he had been meant to live in bright sunshine; a home that was always warm and colorful. This became known as Asgard, the highest of all realms, resting at the top of the tree."

"Unfortunately," Oding admits with a deep frown, staring at his two brother Ve and Vili, standing on either side of him. "Ymir was not satisfied with his Realm amongst the roots, known as Jotunheim, the home of the Jotuns or as mortals so fondly call them; Jotuns. He and his children grew in strength, reaching out of the Realm to seize others, believing that they had the right to eat and destroy anything they wanted."

"Each and every Realm was drawn into warfare as millennia passed."

"It was during one of these wars where we, the Aesir and Vanir, fighting together, made a horrible discovery when at war with Nidavellir. Svartalfheim, the land of Dark Elves that rests between the Realms of Jotuns and Dwarves, had been invaded by the Jotuns. They had become slaves, forced to dig out the best stones of the Realm for the Jotuns to eat. It was a hard life that ended when they were no longer able to dig fast enough."

"Then the slave became the meal. For when exposed to sunlight, a Dark Elf turns to stone, a delicacy that was controlled at the behest of Ymir."

"The Dwarves in Nidavellir wanted to fight us to get a rare material, what they referred to as Ethereal Metals, that they believed could keep them and their beloved gemstones safe from harm."

"If there was one thing we learned from that war it is this: Never get between a dwarf and their gemstones. They mean business. A Dwarf will fight to the death to protect the precious materials born of Earth."

"Stubborn, thick-skulled craftsman those dwarves were. As are their descendants. It was only after we had fought our way into their capital that we learned the truth of the situation. Recognizing their plight, Bur offered a treaty to the entire realm of Nidavellir: work together to fight the Jotuns."

"We found their skills with weaponry astonishing. We agreed to fight with them if they would help us craft better weapons, for Bur had long told of the terrible power Ymir possessed and we all thought we would do well to be prepared for a difficult fight. The Dwarves knew of the Jotuns power too, for their weapons could hold them back but nothing was stopping the Jotuns from losing ground."

"It was a common hope amongst the Dwarves that those unique metals from Asgard could make better weapons than the mortal metals they enhanced with the precious gemstones they dug up and refined. Their ancestors had spoken of our strange weapons, knowing that they were special."

"Indeed, it was the beginning of a new era, known as the Golden Age. Working together, we formed many great weapons, including my own spear; Gungnir; Skidbladnir, the first flying ship which they gifted to Freyr; and, most famous of all, Mjölnir, Thors' war hammer which has since become the Dwarves' sigil."

"We went to war with new allies and tools in hand. Bur was at the forefront, claiming the sole right to challenge his old nemesis. We learned that Ymir had been having many children as well - the Jotuns numbers were half of our own combined forces, but their power was not to be taken lightly."

"The battlefield was vicious and long. For days we fought, growing wearier with each passing sun. No battle was fiercer than the Leaders."

"Bur and Ymir flashed, swinging back and forth, intent on killing the other. Bur had hoped he would fight as in the old day, but much had changed in the eons since their last encounter. While Bur's powers had developed and been mastered, his strength and speed had faded with old age. Ymir had evaded the effects of old age by consuming Dark Elves, becoming stronger than ever before."

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