Chapter Eleven - When Forever Ends

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   Copyright Ⓒ 2018 by B. Bailey All Rights Reserved     

Chapter Eleven - When Forever Ends


Part of me says that it's not too late. I can run out of this room and not face the heartache. Not see her dreams get crushed.

It's a lie. A very beautiful lie. The truth is what it is, whether I say it or not.

"We didn't want to tell you. I mean," Hemming waves his hands between us. "We were going to tell you. Later. Next week actually." Ughhh. I can do better this.


Or not. My mind is still on the fritz.

"Tell me what?"

"I'm so sorry. We wanted to share this week, all three of us just having fun together. Taking a break. Enjoying life without so much as a whisper about training."

"What do you mean? We always spend the Tales' together. You say it like..." She trails off, lifting her right hand from her opposite elbow, uncrossing her arms to hold to her chin, thinking. " you thought we wouldn't be together?"

Hemming bites his lip, unsure of how to respond.

"What do you mean Hemming? It' not like we're going anywhere."

"Wait. Please don't ask questions. Not until I'm finished talking. Please. I'm getting all mixed up."

Sera stares wordlessly. Hemming rarely cuts people off. The philosopher pose intensifies as she leans forward. Hemming stays silent, waiting for Seras consent, releasing a nervous breath after Sera nods.

"Okay," he holds up a finger, jabbing the air. "To be clear, we are not leaving. No one is leaving."

Sera nods, raising a conspicuous eyebrow.

"Right. So, the issue is not about anyone leaving. It is about next week."

The week everyone else looks forward to because of the live shows of skills before roaring audiences from the Tournament. Many other events, exhibitions and games for entertainment act on the side of that main event but it's the Tournament that holds everyone's attention.

The event that is so revered that wars are postponed because everyone likes to prove that they are the best of the best.

For a Holiday about relaxing and enjoying life, it can be very serious and political. Every display is made to protect a galaxy. Show the best weapons and you'll have new allies. Show the best warriors and you might find a truce waiting to be discussed when you get back home.

Maybe a distant galaxy will contact you, seeking a powerful new ally to start a war or to finish one, which is the way our ancestors wanted it to be when they created the treaty allowing every Realm to have a stake in our education, making open competitions to have the best of best preside over the future.

A simple method I suppose. The better the teacher, the better the students' skills and the greater the skills means a better chance of staying alive. Definitely a long-term goal for any mortal.

The rankings here also determines our position in the Réalta Council Internship, which leads to the position we eventually hold on the council.

Yet another reason we don't like to bring it up, especially now that I have to start thinking about internships! How did I forgot about that?!

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