Chapter Nine - Breaking Into School

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  Copyright Ⓒ 2018 by B. Bailey All Rights Reserved     

Chapter Nine - Breaking Into School


After we finish our talk Hemming and I agree to fly back to the Academy, a faster option considering the huge crowds milling around the Warp Gates.

"Is this day real?" I ask, looking over at him as we soar through the air above the Air Bridges connecting the floating islands together. "Really real?'


"Well," he smiles, "if that pinch hurt than you're not deaming, so it must be real."

"What in the worlds is going on? I've never seen people act so..."

"Rabid?" Hemming suggests helpfully.

I frown, adding it to my list for the inexplicably vicious behavior, like the wolves we saw in the Forests of Earth on that field trip, shivering at the accuracy of that feral memory.

"Well, we do have one matter to discuss," Hemming suggests, rubbing his ear.

I feel my frown deepen at the sight of that nervous tick. What could he want to talk about now that could bother him? That mob disconcerted him yet he handled it just fine.

"Which is?" I suggest, trying to get him to come clean.


Seriously? Now?

"What about Donalda? We've done the best we can - it works or it doesn't."

"Recourse, for if it doesn't work."

"I don't know Hemming. This was the only plan I could think of."

He sighs, looking dejected.

"I hope it works. Otherwise, she'll be nastier than ever."

I nod my head, agreeing when a shadow catches the corner of my eye. Below, by the entrance of the Midgard Sector, is wreckage, bits of colorful fabrics buried in the dirt amongst thousands of shards of glittering light, standing out starkly against the glow of the Arch; surrounded by a bright white circle, cutting the area off from the public as Enforcers stand guard outside.

Each Sector has an Arch at the entrance that beings must pass under to enter, acknowledging the heroes who made this day possible; exalted in a swirl of multi-colored gemstones spelling their names embedded in the purest of white granite. Each side of the Arch has a Greeting Station, where the Realm gives away free tokens for Comharrachadh Beatha. The best materials are used to showcase the pride the Beings have for their ancestors, all given freely so that anyone can partake in the Seasons tradition of wearing bright colors.

The level of craftsmanship shows the devotion the Realm has, so the Greeting Stations are naturally massive and splendid. Even the Jotuns have Stations, ironically enough.

Although I must admit, not all of the Jotuns are evil. Some of them have fought for peace between the Realms too, specifically seeking to keep the Realms as they are over the recent millennia.

Right now the Jotuns live in three Realms: Jotunheim, Muspelheim and Nifleheim. They all control Dharana - The five Airs of Life. Jotunheim is where the Traditional Jotuns reside, making up the majority of the population with few being of Frost or Firepower. Those beings mastered the Dharana of Form, keeping it circulating within their bodies, giving them fearsome physical power and endurance.

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