Coming home (Pt.3)

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Ash gulped, his jade eyes trained on the little quaint house in horror. A rush of emotions bursted, ranging from fear to nervousness to happiness and back to fear. Why was he so scared? 

'I'm meeting Eiji's parents and probably with my luck, they'll hate me the instant I step foot into their house. Oh god... should I just book a ticket back to New York?' The blond panicked. He felt a light weight on his shoulder and he looked beside him to see Ibe staring back at him with an amused smile. 

"You look absolutely terrified." The older man chuckled, making the blond glare and whip his head away. Ibe laughed harder before clapping Ash's back gently. His laughter died down but the mirth in his eyes remained as he looked at the younger man. 

'It's quite a sight... To see him be 'normal'. Ash Lynx, notorious New York gang leader, afraid of meeting Eiji's parents.' His smile turned softer, reminiscing about America. He remembered the first day he met Ash - all poised, graceful and confident. He couldn't believe that Ash was seventeen years old. His mentality and intelligence was that of an old soul. Later on though, after getting to know the young blond and all the travesties he had to go through at such a young age, it made sense why Ash was the way he was. 

Now, to see him... like this, unsure and nervous, it made Ibe smile. As much as Ash would say that his innocence was taken away the moment he fell into the hands of Dino, it sparked through in moments. 

In moments that concerned with Eiji. 

It was amazing how Ash would instantly change the moment he was in the presence of the Japanese boy. How he would change from the elusive and domineering personality to a more playful and happy person. It was as if Eiji could control his emotions, make him feel happier and jubilant. 

If Eiji was happy, Ash was happy. 

Ibe sighed and looked towards the little house. 'It almost seems like fate brought Ash and Eiji together.' He turned back towards the tense blond. 

"C'mon. You don't want to keep Eiji waiting right?" The man smirked before getting out of the car, shutting the door behind him as he made his way to the trunk. Ash sighed, running his hand through his blond locks. He couldn't calm down the anxieties he was feeling in the moment. Everything just felt all so surreal to him and he was afraid to feel happy because the world is a sick, twisted place and in any moment that ounce of happiness he felt could be ripped away from him.

And he didn't think he could cope if that happened.

'What if Eiji hates me for not seeing him? For basically abandoning him after all we've been through?' The blond questioned before shaking his head. 

'No, Eiji's not like that. He's too... sweet for that.' Ash smiled under his breath. He envisioned the young man in his head, imagining how their reunion would be like. Would Eiji freeze up in shock? Would he run towards him and give him that beautiful smile? Would he wrap his arms around him? Every vision seemed like heaven to him, the swell of adoration in his heart just growing and growing as he kept fantasising.

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