Coming Home (Pt.4)

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The two men stood there, staring at each other in wonder and awe - as if they couldn't believe the other was right in front of their eyes. The silence stretched between them, another strong chilling breeze flew by. Vibrant yellow sunflower petals dislodged and sailed through the air, getting stuck in Eiji's fluffy ebony curls but the Japanese boy didn't notice. He remained frozen, tears building up in his large brown eyes and lips opened in shock. Ash smiled adoringly, his own tears wetting and glossing his lips. He gently flicked of a long blond lock that covered his eye - he wanted to see  Eiji with no disturbance. After everything they have been through together, the reality of knowing that everything is over and now he could be by Eiji's side in peace, gave him back the happiness that life constantly grabbed from him. 

"Eiji... I'm home." Ash whispered, taking a step closer to the man he loved more than words could express. He took another step closer and another and another until he was running up to Eiji but before he could reach, the older man already ran up to him, strong arms wrapping around his shoulders and a wet face perched up on his neck. Eiji broke down into muffled sobs and all Ash could do was hug him just as tightly. His arms wrapped around Eiji's middle and pulled him close to his body, moulding and merging him into his own. 

"Shh... Sh... Everything is okay now. I'm here Eiji. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." Ash gently cradled Eiji's cheek, bringing him to look up into his sparkling green eyes. Eiji glanced up, his face all wet and splotchy with tears but even then Ash thought he was the prettiest thing in this world - even amongst the sunflowers. 

"A-Ash... Y-You're really h-h-here? Eiji stuttered out in disbelief, more tears streaming down his eyes. He felt something drip against his pale skin and he gasped out softly, seeing Ash's eyes dripping with his own tears, theirs merging together. The American nodded, his smile growing larger. 

"Yes. I'm really here Eiji and I'm staying. Forever." He emphasised, his gaze becoming more fond at finally seeing Eiji smile at him. A choked laugh emitted out of the older man's lips and Ash gasped, feeling his shoulders being squeezed by Eiji's tight grip. The blond chuckled, leaning his head down and placing it in the juncture of the shorter boy's neck, taking in a deep breath and letting Eiji's calming scent fill his sinuses. He felt a soothing hand run down his back and he nuzzled deeper into the Japanese man's soft skin, eliciting a sweet giggle out of him. They remained in each other's arms, completely disconnected from the world around them. All they could focus was on each other and the surreality of everything. 

'Ash is alive and he is here. He is finally safe.' Eiji's fingers clutched tightly at Ash's denim jacket at the thought, an overwhelming sense of relief and happiness taking over him as he remained in Ash's embrace. 

"Eiji... This is long overdue but I need to say it." Ash spoke up, grabbing Eiji's attention. The Japanese boy moved his head to try to look at Ash but he refused to move way from his position from Eiji's arms. 

"What is it Ash? You can tell me anything, you know that." The older man comforted with a slight tinge of worrying in his voice. Ash chuckled. 

'He hasn't changed. Still the sweet little worry wort he is.' The blond thought with amusement. "It's nothing serious. I just want to say I misse-"

"Nii-chan! Oka-san is calling for lu- Oh!" The sliding door opened with a swish, revealing a young ebony haired girl. Her eyes were wide in shock and she froze in her place, seeing her brother in the arms of a stranger. Both boys turned to look at her, red faced in embarrassment. Eiji chuckled nervously, his grip on Ash loosening and moving away from Ash's arms, not noticing his slight pout. 

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