A New Life

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It was a little late in the morning when Eiji spontaneously decided that he wanted to do a little cleaning up. Looking around their quaint house that stood away from the bustling city, surrounded by the Japanese forests, the raven boy thought it was time it needed some sprucing up. A faint smile fluttered across his lips.

Time had flown by; three years to be exact when Ash and he both came to the mutual decision to move out his parents home and live together. It wasn't unpleasant, staying with his parents. He was fortunate enough to have two loving parents who accepted his relationship with Ash with no antagonism but, Eiji thought it was time to take the next step.


The day was nearing its end. The sun was beginning to set, painting the sky with a multitude of colours. The faint rays of the dying sunlight bled into Eiji's room, illuminating his face with a coral hue. Ash glanced beside him, taking in his partner as they laid down on the futon with their arms wrapped around each other. The blond turned to completely encase Eiji in his arms and bury his face in his chest. The familiar scent of jasmine wafted into his senses, and Ash sighed in content.

He wished this moment lasted forever.

A moment later, he felt Eiji's slender arms wrap around his neck and upper back, the smaller hand rubbing soothing circles between his shoulder blades. Ash's emerald eyes softened with love, and he held the raven tighter.  Time passed without the boys saying a word to each other, causing Ash to crane his head up to look at Eiji in concern. Usually, Eiji would spring up a random topic or say something to tease the blond boy in moments like this, so it was unusual that he was so silent. The American boy moved out of Eiji's arms, sitting up to look down at his boyfriend. His sudden movement jostled the Japanese out of his thoughts, and he stared back at Ash with his large doe-like eyes.

"What's wrong?" Ash simply asked. Straightforward and blunt. Eiji's large eyes widened, a look a surprise masked on his face, but in an instant, it vanished, and a smile took its place.

"Nothing's wrong Ash. I'm fine." The raven-haired boy answered back. Ash's glinting eyes narrowed in suspicion. As much as Eiji's smile would make him melt in an instant, he knew something was wrong. Eiji was hiding something. The blond exhaled softly, giving Eiji a smile of adoration before carding his long fingers through the man's ebony locks - an action they both loved.

"You're a horrible liar," Ash's smile turned into a smirk. "It's bad to lie, Oni-chan." Eiji gave the taller boy a dead-panned stare, moving his arm to pinch Ash's thigh with force. He giggled at the small yelp, smirking in victory when Ash glared back.

"You can't call me Oni-chan now, Ash. It's weird." Ash rolled his eyes fondly. He shifted to lay his body on his side, balancing his weight on his arm so he could face Eiji. "Seriously though, something is bothering you." His voice took on a more sombre tone. He kept running his fingers through Eiji's soft hair, almost as if he were coaxing the words out of him. Eiji bit his lip, debating whether to speak about what was on his mind or not. Sighing, the shorter boy opened up.

"Are you happy?"

Ash's fingers froze, laying limply on Eiji's head. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and his lips pursed up softly. "What do you mean? Of course, I'm happy." The blond answered back with a conviction, and it made Eiji smile; this time, genuinely.

"I guess I should explain," The Japanese boy continued. He sat up, crossing his legs and tucking his feet underneath. Ash followed, albeit with some bewilderment. Whatever Eiji wanted to talk about was important.

"I was just thinking," Eiji paused, looking back at Ash with a nervous expression that made the blond's insides twist with anxiety. What was he thinking? Is Eiji not happy? Why? Everything seemed to be going so well!

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