Coming Home (Pt. 6)

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The night cicadas chirped from the outside, their sound amplified by the serene silence of the night. The moon glimmered softly from above, the stars speckled and shimmering all across the expanse of the deep midnight blue sky, bright and visible. It was a definite difference from New York, the pollution and smog completely concealing everything. 

Ash leaned against the wooden frame of the window, sharp green eyes staring outside the large window. He took in the beauty of the area, from its large looming trees, vibrant grass that would be even more vibrant under the sun and from the distance, a glimpse of the ocean. The blond man breathed in everything, taking in the welcome silence that he didn't think he missed. New York was too busy, too alive and too awake. From the sounds of rushing cars and bustling nightlife, Izumo really felt like a breath of fresh air. 




Everything that Ash needed in his life but didn't. His lips twitched up into a soft smile. 'I can't believe I'm really here. Away from everything back in America. Golzine is dead, Alex, Bones and Kong are dealing with all the gangs and... any presence of Ash Lynx in America is gone.'

He thought he was destined to carry the same fate as Atlas, carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders forever... but then, Eiji came into his life, like a beautiful dove and made every burden to carry, a little lighter day by day. No words could express the extent of what he felt for Eiji, what he feels every day. Love couldn't even compare - it was too shallow of a word. 

The thought of Eiji made his heart throb. He wanted to see the man, have him right in front of him or more preferably, wrapped in his arms. He missed the Japanese man. Those months he stayed apart from him were agonising. Waking up in the morning to be greeted by nothing and not Eiji's sweet smile and voice was like a dull thud to his chest. The little colour that he had in his life, faded away into a monotone spectrum when Eiji's presence was absent.  

Now, he was here, with Eiji sleeping peacefully in the next room. He craved the feel of Eiji's warmth  and the sight of his doe-eyes now and now it's right at his fingertips and Ash grasped onto it. He wanted to make up for the months that they were apart. 

'Ah... fuck. It's kinda late now isn't it.' Ash thought, turning around to glance at the clock. 

"10.00 pm. It's not too late right? Wish I could go to sleep but that nap just messed up my sleep for the night." Ash said to himself. A slight twinge of guilt chipped at his heart - he didn't want to wake Eiji up if he was feeling but the need to stay by his side over-rode that. With that, Ash grabbed his cotton white shirt that laid limply on the bed, chucked it on and left his room. He closed the door quietly. The walls were thin and the tiniest of sounds were audible. As much as he adored Eiji's family and even if they knew about his relationship with his son, the blond man wasn't in the mood to explain why he was awake at this time of night. 

His bare feet softly padded against the smooth wooden planks of the floor. It wasn't too dark as he navigated through the corridor until he was right in front of Eiji's door. He stopped, bringing his fist up to knock but he paused. The blond sighed... Was he being too clingy? He already made Eiji stay with him the whole afternoon while he napped. Would Eiji get tired of his constant need and presence? The last thing he wanted was for Eiji to be sick of him. Ash gently clonked his head on the door, a little harder than he intended too. Instantly, he heard the sounds of shuffling. 

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