Coming Home (Pt.5)

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The two boys entered the dining room, the different scents of spices and steaming food wafting through the air. The blond's stomach rumbled and he finally realised how hungry he was. Airplane food really did nothing to curb his hunger and the thought of a warm meal with Eiji by his side made his heart triple flip with love. 

"Sorry for making you wait Oka-san! There is someone I want you to meet!." Eiji's sweet voice broke Ash from his trance-like state, his eyes snapping out of his daze. He came to his senses to see every occupant in the living room staring at him. The previous nerves he had came back with a vengeance. 

'Oh god... I'm really not good at this. What do I do? Fuck! I should have gotten some flowers or something to my gratefulness. It would've broken this goddamn awkward silence as we-'

"Hello Ash. It's nice to finally meet you." 

Greens eyes went to look at the source of that soft, welcoming voice. He was met with Mrs. Okumura's gentle smile and warm eyes. 

'This is probably where Eiji gets his sweetness from.' The blond couldn't help but think that. The same warm, brown eyes that had no hint of suspicion or malice in them. "Uhh... hello Mrs. Okumura!" He bowed slightly to show his respect. He heard Eiji's tinkling laughter and he gave the older boy a half-hearted side eye glare. The Japanese boy just smirked. 

"Please sit down and help yourself. You must be very tired after your flight." The older woman gestured towards a seat, giving the blond another kind smile. Ash nodded stiffly, sending a smile of his own before settling down. He heard the chair beside him screech softly and he glanced to see Eiji sitting down beside him. The older man sent a comforting smile and Ash instantly relaxed at that. The feeling of Eiji's familiar warmth next to him always brought him back down to his senses, making him calmer and less on edge. How Eiji manages to do that to him, he would never understand. 

"Thank you Oka-san! This looks delicious!" Eiko exclaimed, making everyone around the table smile and laugh, Ash included. Sounds of dishes being passed around, clinking of glasses and murmurs of 'thank you' filled the room. Emerald eyes just stared around, watching the Okumura family interact - watching Eiji interact. For the first time in his life, the blond felt at peace. The dark clouds that loomed over his shoulder were gone. Even though he knew it would take days... maybe even months to adjust to his new life in Izumo, his new life with Eiji, being right here in this moment felt more like home when compared to his actual home...

In Cape Cod. 

"Itadakimasu!" Everyone exclaimed, bringing their hands together and bowing slightly. Ash followed as well, albeit with a little confusion. He looked down at his plate and noticed it was already served. He turned his head towards Eiji who was looking at him with warm eyes. 

"I served your plate... I hope you don't mind." The ebony-haired boy smiled. Ash's eyes softened immediately and he shook his head. 

"I don't mind. Thank you." He whispered adoringly. Eiji nodded and grinned. "Also, Itadakimasu means 'thanks for the meal'. We always say it whenever we eat." The ebony haired boy explained. 

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