Chapter 1: A Chance Encounter

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Author's Note: 

Dear Readers,

I got hooked on reading historical romance when I was 16 years old and had (very secretly) found my mum's stash of Mills and Boon Historical Romance and the rest as they say is History. Although I prefer reading Victorian and Regency Romance more than medieval but this story was something that just flowed out of me. I had to do a little research and I am pretty sure that there are a lot of elements that are not historically correct. Please do feel free to point out any mistakes that there are all throughout the book. Hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it. 




Sir Torryn Roderick had been travelling on for three days and the orange dusk had fallen when he finally entered the quaint village where Castle Durand stood perched on a hillock. He had heard about the tournaments that were being held there while he and his cousin were participating in anotjer jousting tournament in Nellie. His cousin, Sir Kellan Connor had found a fair maiden he was planning to court and so the cousins parted ways with Torryn making his way to the village of Durand to try his luck at the festivities there. Also, he knew it was rumoured that Lord Durand was unlike other Norman lords and the Welsh Knight wanted to experience his hospitality.

He had already send word of his arrival to the castle but rather than making his way up there he turned towards the village. He knew that a warm bed and glorious food would be waiting for him at Castle Durand but Torryn wanted just one more night before spending the next fortnight with those blasted Normans. Even though he was half Norman himself, from his mother's side but being in close proximity to them made him miss his homeland and the warmth of Welshmen.

The night at the village inn would also give him a chance to see how the village folk fared under the rule of their lord. His father believed that they could learn a lot by mixing with the common folk which he spoke from his own experience his own father had been bestowed with extensive lands by his Lord Commander.

As he dismounted from his horse a lad came out of the stables to wait upon him. He gave the reigns to the lad accompanied by a coin for his troubles. Little deeds like these did not only make a poor boy happy but also ensure that his beloved horse would be taken care of. A part of the stable looked makeshift and Torryn thought that the innkeeper had probably foreseen the crowd that was going to be attracted by the festivities and increased their capacity. All the stalls were occupied but when he entered the inn, it almost looked deserted. A lone man was cleaning down of what was probably the last table of the evening. Torryn looked around confused and called out to the man, "Greetings innkeeper. Is it possible to find a place to rest in this establishment?"

The man heartily welcomed him and silently judged his guest's clothing to see what kind of room he should give him. When he realized that this was a knight of the realm, he hurriedly took his guest's pack and led him to a surprising spacious and clean room. "I deeply regret Sir, that there isn't anyone to welcome you here. Most of the folk have gone down to the Commons for the big bonfire, sir. I too was headed that way before your arrival," chattered the innkeeper. "There are all sorts of folk from around the country, sire. Some jugglers have come all the way from Italy, no less."

Torryn thought and decided his next course of action while the innkeeper set his things around the room. As soon as the man straightened up to leave, Torryn asked, "Why don't I join the rest of your guests too, eh?" Having decided so, both set out into the young night and soon reached a small clearing at the edge of the village. A huge fire burned in a corner and all sorts of people milled around the Common ground. Some jugglers had set up camp in the far side of the field and had started with their antics. Other performers had also set themselves all around and low lights burned in torches around the entire field, throwing a merry light at happy faces. Torryn left his companion's side and headed towards the bonfire to stand close the heat in the growing cold of the night.

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