chapter 2

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Beep ......beep.....beep.....bee...

Ughh why must I always get up and the first thing I feel is pain. Today was my first day at school and I'm not excited. We moved from South-America to  North-America where there are a lot of trees. It's a good thing because I can hide from my parents.

To start the day I went to the first aid kit I have stolen from my "mom's" bathroom to see if I can stop the bleeding. Once I was done I got dressed I only owned a pair of jeans and some washed out T-shirts.

Once I got down to the kitchen I took an apple and headed for my 3 mile walk to school . High Weldwood is a big school compared to all my previous schools .

The first place I headed to was the head office. When I got to the office an old lady with big round glasses sat behind the desk.

"Hello ma'am I'm sorry to bother you ,but may I please have my schedule"

"Yes dear may I have your name please ?" She asked

"Kayla Willow ". 

" Yes dear,here you go ," after she gave me my schedule,  I went to see where I  will be first. English may not be my best subject but we all have to go. Door 125 and here we go, I thought to myself as I open the door.

Once I got inside the whole class went silent and everybody stared, smelling the air "weird" .

After telling everyone I'm a new student they all stopped and went on with their work.
"Hello Sir,my name is Kayla Willow "

"It's nice to meet you miss Willow please take a seat next to Jane , Jane please help miss Willow around today " after taking a seat next to Jane I felt nervous.

Jane was a b...beautiful girl she has brown hair and the most shocking green eyes that it makes me think of the forest trees. Everytime she looks at me it makes me feel hot and bothered and the electric shocks  are driving me crazy. I was both out of my thinking by her sexy but shy voice

"Hi I'm Jane ,its nice to meet you" she said before I could answer she spoke "sorry I was rude but what's your name, well I know your name is Kayla but I dont want to be mean and make u think I'm rude ,if you know what I mean ," yet again I was interrupted "sorry if I'm talking to much ,ugghh I'm such and idiot " the last part she whispered but I heard what she said.

"You're not an idiot ,you're just nervous like me " I mumbled.

She looked at me like she heard what I said. I felt my face become hot. I'm so embarrassed. After the 5 minutes of feeling hot ,I just listened to the teacher talking. That is how my whole day went. In every class Jane is there to help me if I don't understand. The bell rang as if to tell me it's time to walk my 3 miles home.

I was 2 minutes late ..I'm so getting a beating. I walked through the door, as I closed the door I was grabbed by the hair and pulled back.

"Why are you late, I told you no friends and not to be late" my dad said.

"I'm sorry sir there was alot of up hills and I..." I was cut off when I got a slapped across the face.

"I don't care bitch be on time , because you are late. You will get no food tonight and you will be getting 10 lashes, get going bitch,"he said.

As I walked down to the basement I thought:why?...why must I  sit with all this ,what did I do wrong moon goddess?

After my beating I went up to my room and went to bed and made a promise to the moon goddess that I will get out and I will do nothing wrong if it means I can get away from THEM.

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