chapter 7

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The past two weeks have been the worst, I broke my leg when HE pushed me downstairs.Two rubs,I had to cover my blue eye with make up and I have been getting whipped everyday. I just can't,I feel numb all over.

Today is my 18th birthday and I hate it. As I walked downstairs I saw my mom walking towards me with a angry face. What did I do wrong?

"Mo.... Morning ma'am"I said quietly.

"Morning start packing your stuff you can no longer live here you are of age so get going you only have one hour then you must be gone," and with that she turned and walked away leaving me with the bag she gave me.

After my shocked expression, I headed to my closet and packed all my T-shirts and pans ,underwear I don't have a lot so it all fitted in the small bag. I walked over to the bed and took out the money my gran gave me before she died she left me $1000 so I will be able to get a motel for the night and have school in the day. After I took everything I went to the kitchen and made shore to take as many food as I can without them seeing me.

I walked into the living room and there my mom and dad was standing  looking at me.

"Bye bitch hope you live a lonely life and die in a ditch" my dad said and slapped me across the face and walked off. I hate HIM.

"So before you go I have something to tell you. First you are not normal you are a kitten shiften , tonight at 11:34  you will start shifting but if you find your mate you will survive but I bet you didn't. And that is why we abused you to see if we can make you shift into your kitten,but I guess you will always be pathetic and weak. I feel sorry for your mate, NOW take your shit and get out," she screamed the last part.

I was in so much shock I walked out of there like a zombie. What does she mean by me being a kitten shifter it's not true. I have lived with them all my life and not once did I see them with other animals.

I walked  down the road in the thick snow. The winter have started and it's going to be a very cold winter. Everyone have stocked up on wood and food. Just thinking about food makes my tummy rumble.

As I walked down the road ,I came across Jane sitting in her jeep (don't remember if I did say what car)  looking at me with a sad smile. I wonder if she knows what just happened. I hope not,I really like her and  I kind of have a crush on her. I was brought out of my hoping crisis when I heard her sweet voice.

"Hey are you okay babe?" wait did she just call me babe. Am I imagining things, I know I like her but is my mind playing games with me.

No she did call u babe because she's our mate,  hello who's there?Can you hear me?hello ,hello. Omg I'm going crazy. Maybe I should go and sign myself in there where all the people go who talk to themselves. Ugh I should just stop and say something to Jane because I have just been staring at her.

"I.....I yea I'm okay I guess ,I'm just having a rough day," I said ,please don't let her ask me about my bags I'm carrying.

"I want to ask you something, you mind if I show you something I know we don't know each other that well but I would like to show you something. But you have to promise not to freak out please!" She said, what am I to say to something like that.

"Y..yea I will try not to freak out " I said I'm not sure what it is ,but she looks like she's about to faint. I followed her to her car and climbed in with the one bag I had.

She drove off into the woods. I had so many question going on my head. Is she going to kill me? Maybe she's going burn me alive? Or worse is she going to tie me to a tree and leave me there for the wild animals to eat me. Omg(and omg means oh my goddess) that's why she's 'friends' with me because she's just looking for  someone to kill and no-one will even miss me me or know.

Mate will never hurt us that voice is creeping me out, maybe I am crazy. you are not crazy.

"Come on babe let's go, I want us to get home before dark," she said.

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked without even thinking about it. I'm such an idiot.

"NO no I will hurt you, but you can hurt me," the last part she mumbled out. I think I was not supposed to hear it but I did loud and clear.What did she mean by that. Before I could let my mind wonder I heard my door open.

"Come on babe," she held her hand out for me to take. I took her hand and felt a kind of shock go through my arm. I didn't pull my arm away because it felt nice and if it was my last I just want to feel save at the moment.

She led us to a beautiful waterfall. The water looked so clear and it had nice calm feeling to it. The grass was green like it had just started growing. The sky had no clouds. It was a perfect day to go swimming. But my mood was not there ,there was no time for me to think about having fun I had to think about where I will be sleeping for tonight. Maybe it will be save for me to sleep in the woods.

"Umm listen babe, I am..I'm a werewolf" wait what did she say. I started laughing. Omg she's joking right?

"What do you mean you're a werewolf, you must be joking. Are you high?" I asked.

"No I'm not joking I can prove it to you" okay let's see if she will.

"Okay prove it " she started undressing. I couldn't help but look at her big and perfect boobs and that ass. Wow I felt so skinny and shy , I looked down at my flat and small boobs. Why am I the one with nothing once she sees me naked she will laugh.

I heard a cracking noise and looked up, in front of me was a black with one white spot one the left ear. The wolf was a beautiful wolf but where was Jane.

"Jane where are you, this is not funny , Jane " I shouted. The wolf snorted and bared at me with a wolfish grin.

I saw the wolf's bones snap and in stead of the wolf  Jane was standing there in all her glory.

"Okay Kayla , before you say anything let me explain,come sit" after she said that everything went black.

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