Incarceration of the Nation

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"You know something?" the dark corner spoke startling Jenny's eyes open, "it wasn't me who called the cops..." she let her bones groan themselves back to life as she sets both feet on the cold floor of her cell again. She couldn't decide if she was dead or alive. The cold was piercing, but she was still inside the same four walls that seemed to inch forward every second.

"Dad...? Is that you?" she looked around for a clock but she couldn't see past where her limited light stopped reaching, "I wasn't expecting any visitors...." she mutters, rubbing her eyes. It felt as if she hit her head on her way out of her nightmare. It was reality, though. She tried to refuse to believe her past ending.

"Do I fucking sound like Jones to you?" she could feel the voice roll her eyes. That made Jenny stand up. It sounded familiar. As pleasantly familiar as nails scraping a chalkboard. She finally gives in to greet it. The voice stepped into the light.

"The hell are you doing here? Do you wanna get arrested because I can arrange that real easy. Officers? Officers!" It was Ashton. She reached forward through the bars to silence Jenny.

"Can you shut up for one second?" she pleads in annoyance, "I'm not here to murder you."

"Really? For once? How jolly fucking good!" Jenny bites Ashton's fingers off, she retreats her hand, shaking off the blood.

"Look, vampie-"

"Right, I seemed to miss the part where we became friends, Ashton, where we became long lost best friends and you received the right to call me 'vampie'."

"Stop getting triggered, Jenny! I want to help you!"

"I don't want the sweet relief of death. Now fuck off before before I bite you again." Jenny's eyes were without a doubt giving in to the adrenalin making her blood boil, helping the classically fiery Ashton light up the dark cell with their glow. Her fangs tried to be threatening.

"It's about our mother." Ashton hisses, "she's clearly off of her rocker."

"Knowing she gave birth to you, I too would be." Jenny scoffs.

"She murdered my dad!" Jenny looked at the exasperated Ashton with not a hint of dismay.

"And...murdering the leader of one of America's most wanted terrorist cult conspiracies is a bad thing how?" her eyebrow arches up.

"Look." Ashton grasps the bars separating her hands from Jenny's neck tightly, hesitating to rattle them to not make more of a scene than she already has, "I don't give a shit about what you think about my family but mother loved my dad, when she loved him and beyond. More importantly he loved her. To the extent that even after so many years past her death, even after the fact that she ditched him to sleep with Sherlock Jones and produced you, his last wish was to carry out one of the plans they had together. She could have seen her death in the rubber room of a rehabilitation institute, but Janine would never stoop to the level where she would murder my dad."

"Yet...she has?" Jenny zones out in failure to follow her complicated story. Ashton loved spinning words, but the only think positive about it was how sleepy it made Jenny.

"Could I possibly entice you to care if I told you that on the very wall of his office, smeared in his blood, is a scoreboard between Cide and Fullman that Janine made clear, in person, was an aid for her to eliminate the options for her to pick a side?"

"Pick a side?" Jenny laughs in delight. Ashton's aura tasted sweeter than revenge. It was Jenny who was usually under her boot, holding on for and to dear life, and all it took was a crack for Ashton to make the tables flip. "Ashton, she already chose our side. I think it's time to give up and go home. Life is hard like that sometimes."

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