She Figures it Out

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"Janine Cide...? Jenny's mom was the voice?" Theme flipped through the illuminated book for more dusty hints. It's shiny cover slips between her fingers and lands on her face. "Oh. My. God! Janine is Hamlet! This is all a show she's putting on for us to get revenge...but on who?" Theme jolts up to her feet, at last rewarding the pages a well deserved hug. She wallowed in the dreamy scent of the book, twirling about on her fuzzy carpet. "But...that means that whatever she was doing was...fake! It's counterfeit! The...method to the madness!" her body began to disperse itself into dozens of small silver stars, from the inside out. She couldn't keep herself standing for long, as she presses the book to her chest and melts to her knees in a symphony of sobs. "I was taking things literally! This is all a...metopher...?.... Metalfer...? Metaphor!" her phone vibrates in her back pocket promptly, announcing an end to her act of triumph. It was Rox. She pursed her lips at the name of the caller, predicting its apologetic intents. It was guilt that made her hesitate; to accept the apology or to accept the attack? That is the question.



"Oh my God. I finally get to reach you! Theme, listen it was more than wrong for me to call you out on that. I know you were only trying to help. You must already be getting all this stupid pressure on you with your powers and whatnot...I got reminded today that you were in fact, not a charity. The point is, I just wanna sincerely apologize for keeping constant with attacking you. I don't know why I always seem to doubt you in the heat of the moment. I'm sorry. Fuck, I already said that didn't I? Theme, I stole a car. And it broke down. I'm in East Jesus Nowhere L.A. and I tried to get to you in person."

"Rox! No. I can't let you say all this and mean it without giving you the closure you deserve. Because you were right. And thanks to you, I have the answers to what's currently going on. We need to get to Jenny and...Ashton, right? As soon as possible; I'm sure they'll know what to do with what I've got..." she tried to slow her down, the verbal diarrhea was as impulsive as the snap in the first place. "First of all though, Jesus, Rox, where exactly are you?" she stuffs the keys of her car into the pocket of her shorts, and jingled her way down the stairs.

"God fucking knows, man!" Rox cried, "I got outskirted by the rude drives in the myriads of dunes of cars. Are you...crying?"

"I'm running to get you." Theme replied, letting the front door fall closed as quickly as letting her car door fall open. She revs the engine, almost neglecting the existence of her garage gate. "Send me your location?"

"Do what now?"

"On your phone, Rox. Send me your location so I'll know where to find you."


"It's that little upside down raindrop thing-a-mabob." she instructs but Rox's phone still looked Greek to her. "Oh puh-leaze, it's a phone, not a Shakespearean play for crying out loud!" she howls at her remark, "what's around you? Any stores?"

"Uhm..." Rox cranes her head to gain access to her peripheral vision. "Ginny's bakery...?"

"Gotcha. Stay right where you are." Theme's tires stopped cruising the streets like a boat's surface caresses the waters, as they dig into its tarred skin rhythmically to Theme's push of her gas pedal.

"Oh? Oh shit, damn. Wait, was I even close at al--" She hangs up not meaning to cut Rox off, letting her phone fall beside her in the driver's seat. 

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