Method to the Madness

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"Are Theme hints, or something?" Odessia's laugh got shriller the less she believed.

"Kill her." she releases Janine's neck, which she seemed to have an obsession with. Janine chokes, breaking her fall with her knees and wrists. She sputters her gaze back up to Odessia, who's eyebrows were raised patiently, awaiting an answer. "I said kill her. Do I need to spell it out for you? You've done it before. Do it again."

"I didn't do it." she coughs, "I undid it."

"I wasn't talking about killing her in particular. I was talking about killing. Make her go to the kitchen and stick her hand in a blender. Make her overdose, for chrissake, Janine, end Theme Song." Odessia scowls.


"Why?" she raises her eyebrows yet again, "Why?" Janine is forced to take a kick to the chest. "She's on the list, Janine. Need I remind you?"

"She is not family. She doesn't need to be tangled up in all this." Janine staggers to her own feet, warily.

"You're skating some thin ice, Janine." Odessia warns, "I would just about say your psychological attacks were working. They were getting weaker. And your ideas...your contributions to the schemes...simply marvelous! Ahead of their time! But we're a team. It's my turn to suggest something. And my suggestion is that you kill Theme Song."

"I can't kill an angel, Dessie." she protests, "she will shred me before I can even try. Chose a different target."

"It's incredible how much death has shaped you..." Odessia rolls her eyes, "Kill Jones."

"I'm using him as bait. It would be impractical."

"And put her out of her misery? I thought the whole point of her impregnation was to lock her up in a pretend coffin and watch as the simulated death renders her useless!"

"Speaking of her should have seen what your daughter did to Brock..."

"Did...did Ashton get involved?" the shrill laughter made its un-awaited return.

"Jenny, actually. She ravished him on the spot."

"She...don't be ridiculous, Dessie, it must've been a false vision. Jenny would never bear to see the sight of blood she drew herself."

"But she would bear to eat it. She may even quite enjoy it. Lucky thing, she has those fangs to mute her cravings..."

"Jenny's not a vampire. She's a werebat." Janine replied, firmly.

"It wouldn't have hurt to do your homework when you got reborn into the afterlife, you know? Do you have any idea as to what happens to a so-called warebat if they taste human flesh?"

"Brock is dead. If Jenny murdered him, then she went the whole way. She didn't bite him. She didn't turn him."

"It's not a matter of turning; Jenny didn't inherit the trait, she was cursed with it." she sneers at Janine, "she will simply...insist on satisfying her cravings more often."


"Her morph will become permanent."


"And what a marvellous maniac that would turn her into!" Odessia clasps her hands together in pure delight, "you've really thought this through. She'll be further weakened by her frustrations to focus on her death."

"Right, so it was intended."

"Now...who else do we have left?" Odessia looks in front of her in hopes the dust particles in the air would form a handy list. "Roxanne Fehlerhaft?"

"What for?" Janine shrugs, "I fail to see her importance."

"She's in a good position...chasing after that 'angelic' Theme Song."

"What do you have in mind?"

"A car accident."

"You want me to spur some car accident that would kill this girl for no reason?"

"And now we're on the same page."

"Not even Lupita would be demented enough to commit terror with no rhyme or reason."

"All the better for you to do it." Odessia ushers in a sing-song tone.
"I'm not going to kill her, Dessie." Janine scoffs. "She's not part of this loop we've created."

"Then add her in the loop. The more the merrier." She hissed through gritted teeth.

"No." Janine shakes her head, "I'm not going to kill her."

"Look at me." Odessia demands, but Janine refuses, deciding to study the tacky oil painting of another blue abode, hanging behind her. The evident minimal effort bothered her; she could count the chunky brushstrokes on her fingers, yet it somehow managed to look realistic. How convenient. "Look at me, I said!" Odessia loses her hat, her hair parting in the breeze of her fury, revealing her gaping third eye. Gaping with light that is, not surprise. Janine's head snaps in her direction, against her will. The migraine strikes through her temples again. She squeezes her eyes shut. "Now, I don't know exactly what you're planning to do, but I think it's time I took control for once. Open your stupid eyes." Janine only squeezed them harder; handcuffing her eyelids together if she could. "Open your stupid eyes, or I will kill Roxanne Fehlerhaft myself."

"You will not." Odessia grabs her face, her fingernails digging into Janine's cheeks. Her eyes are pried open by the sting of one million needles, nailing the upper lids to her browbones. She gaped into the spilling light of the third eye, letting its wires wrap around her, rendering her body frail. They seemed malleable as she shifted, squirmed, and resisted, but only merely altered their stiffening shape, grasping her body tighter. It got very warm; she felt like she melted as delicately as a candle before Odessia

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