Week 1 - Friday

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Black was in his room. He decorated his containment area with pages from his coloring book. His mood had gotten a bit better.

"SCP-8000. We have a visitor for you. Meet SCP-053"

A young girl, aged around 8 walked in. She wore a floral dress with green and pink faded hues. She had brown hair with short bangs and hazel eyes.

"Hello 8000!"

She happily greeted SCP-053.

The intercom crackled.

"SCP-053's anaomlous effect causes anyone in close proximity to her to go 'beserk' and attack her. Its a horrible and sickening anonamoly for someone to have, so to make sure she doesn't miss out on social interactions. We hope that perhaps, things will be different."

Black sat up and looked at the girl.

"What your name?"

Black happily asked in broken English. Excited that he might just get a new friend.

"SCP-053. But you can call me Bell!"

She was so cheerful and happy that it seemed as if she wasn't a SCP at all. Though the reason she was like this was because each time her powers activated she would forget what happened. If someone struck her they would suffer a heart attack. If she, heaven forbid, died she would regenerate and forget that too. It was as if her mind purposely made her forget these tragic events to protect herself. Maybe it was for the best.

"Hello Bell. My name Black! Nice to meet you! Wanna color with me?"

Black offered her a box of crayons and a coloring book.


Bell happily got beside Black and opened the coloring book. Black was coloring in a caterpillar. The thing was he was coloring it with shocking accuracy. With the exact colors of the species of caterpillar in the picture. Down to the exact markings.
Bell was amazed.

"Wow! You did that?"

Black nodded proud

"Yup! Wanna learn?"

Black cheerfully offered.


Bell got closer so she could see Black's book as he went to the next page.

"What you want to do is.. Think of the object as if it were 'front of you. Think of it as if it were in a place."

The picture was of a dog, a German Sheppard.

"What color would this dog be?"

"I don't know, I've never seen a dog before. Do you know?"

Black was a bit surprised but went ahead and began to explain.

"A dog is a creature that people like to keep around as friends. Dogs keep people happy and protect them. Some are big, and some are tiny."

Black used his hands to show how tall a dog could be and how tiny. Except for tiny he placed his hand a little too low. Bell giggled.

"They can be that small?"

Black looked and raised his hand a bit.

"Silly me, they can only be this small. That would be funny if they were that small."

Black chuckled softly thinking of a microscopic dog and looked at bell.

"What sound does a dog make?"

Bell looked down at the picture.

"Like this-"

Black made a high pitched yip noise.

"Or like this-"

He made a deep sound that sounded like 'Boof'

"Or this."

He barked. Bell giggled.

"Dogs must be funny!"

Black nodded

"Some dogs are funny. But some are mean."

Black made a growling sound

"Why would they be mean?"

Bell was confused. If dogs were so funny why would they be so mean? She was Naive and innocent.

"To protect their friends from bad guys."

Bell nodded now understanding.

"I get it now. Wanna color?"

Black nodded

"Sure! Hey. Lets make the dog any color you want!"

Black offered generously

"Sure! Why not purple?"

Bell grabbed a purple crayon and Black began to laugh.

"Dogs aren't purple! He gonna look like a grape now!"

Bell giggled and laughed and so did Black as they began to color the page.

After a hour and a half Bell had to go back to her cell.

"See you later Black!"

"Bye Bell!"

They waved at each other goodbye and the door closed. Black was happy and got into his bed and began to go to sleep. He nodded off peacefully. Today was a good day.

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