These are my characters! (Except for the Creepypastas which belong to rightful owner)
Kris is a killer but, she has the same repeatin...
I groan as something tightly wrapped around me, I try to wiggle out of whatever it was but I realize it was rope of some sort? I peel my eyes opened to see everyone standing in front of me in Christmas costumes, Slendy was Santa! I look down to see Christmas lights wrapped around me tightly, I sigh resting my head on the back of the couch, "Fuck you guys.." I mumble struggling to get out of the lights, they all just laughed at me, I saw EJ dressed as Rudolph, a red nose taped to his mask, he grabbed me and pulled me off the couch and into his arms, grabbing a piece of the light and started to pull it making me spin around quickly, I hold my hand up as EJ takes it and continues spinning me, he unravels it all and dips me, I giggle as I see I'm in a really cute Santa outfit,
It was a red dress that ends in the middle of my thighs with white lining that goes down the middle in sort of a V shape on my chest area, for the sleeves there were none except these two white fluffy strings that wrapped around my arms, I had a black belt with a yellow buckle on it around my waist, the skirt part had the same fluffy lining on the bottom, I had a pair of pinkish gloves on that had the same lining on the bottom which was really pretty, I had these socks that looked like Candy canes with the lining that begins them as long as the words Me- on my left foot and rry- on my right foot both at the top, I had black ballerina shoes on to complete the outfit! ... ..
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I see all the boys have a red tint to their 'faces', I stand up out from the dip, I hear EJ let out a small whine, I pretend not to hear it quietly snickering, "Why are you guys staring at me like that?" I waved in front of Slender's face, he didn't even react, I looked behind me silently hoping they were staring at something else and not me, sadly I was wrong, I looked back to see Slendy in my bubble, I slowly back up, "Well this is uncomfortable," I chuckle nervously, Slendy doesn't say anything he just stared at me in awe, I just nervously laugh and bolt out the front door,
=Where are you? Shadow: Slendy sent me on a mission should I do it? Kris: Yes you should and kill some others by bringing them to ur play cabin, Shadow: Yes Ma'am!=
I keep running until I hit the town, I see a lot of children, Men, Women, and CHEATERS! My favourite type to kill.. I see my other bully named Veronica-- (if ur name is Veronica or Scarlett like before feel free to change them) --I grin widely I grab her hand, "Oh hey Veronica long time no see!" I chirp happily, Veronica just slowly turns around with her eyes wide, "O-Oh h-h-hi K-Kris" She nervously giggles, I cock my head to the side, "What's the MatterVERONICA??" I grin from ear to ear, "N-Nothing," She lies, "Come here," I say with my arms wide opened, she quickly shakes her head and backs up, I pull her towards me and into a tight hug, She squirms, "It's just a hug~" I coo, she stops squirming enough so I inject a needle into her back, Tears fill her eyes,
"What was THAT KRIS WHAT DID YOU DO?" She yells, I whisper in her ear, "Hush now," and I open my arms acting like I was grabbing my knife, she started to run into the woods, I giggle and pull out a remote and tsk, She looks back wide eyed and stops running, "W-What's that for?" She stutters, "Glad you asked! It's for exploding you into tiny little pieces, if you don't follow my orders I will press it!" I happily explain, her breath turns quick as she slowly sinks to the ground in tears, I walk over to her and hold out my hand to her to take, she stares at my hand as she slowly takes it, I pull her up quickly and throw her over my shoulder, She hits my back a few times, "I CAN WALK!" She screams, "Too bad I don't feel like dealing with you right now," I mumble, she lays still accepting it,