These are my characters! (Except for the Creepypastas which belong to rightful owner)
Kris is a killer but, she has the same repeatin...
I slowly open my eyes and mutter under my breath, "Oh great a-nutter Day," I giggle to myself, I swing my feet over the side of the bed, my feet plant onto the cold floor, with a shiver I stand up and open my safe, drinking a potion I lock it back up and leave my room, forgetting to change out of my 'Dre--' "wait.. WHO CHANGED ME AND WHERE'D MY DRESS GO?!?!?!?" I screech, I see SlendyMom appear in front of me, "Well that's one way to start a morning... Good morning Kris, I believe... Trendy did? I'm actually not too sure.. Or I think Sally did," he mutters the first part,
"Guys who changed Kris?" Slendy shouts, "I DID!" I hear Trendy shout, "Well there's your answer.." He says while teleporting us down to the kitchen, I skip into the dining room taking my usual seat, in between Sally and.. BEN... I look over at Sally to see the little girl just happily munching a piece of toast with crumbs all on her face, I crack a smile, "Another one bites the crust," I whisper and bite her toast while she bites her toast as well, she chokes on her toast in laughter, I pat her back while burying my face in my arm while laughing, "Why Kris why," she giggles, everyone else just looks at us weirdly,
"What are you Taco-ing about?" I smirk, she giggles louder, "Stooop" "What do you mean? I'm not dill-ing anything?" I smile, while she laughs more, I ruffle her hair, "Sally I lava you you know that?" "Noooo~" she giggles louder, "It's true! Olive you!" I giggle, as she snorts, "Also I A-peach-iate you a lot!" I giggle even more, as Sally just says "Stop your killing me" "Knock knock," I say "Who's there?" Sally replies giggling, "Loaf," "Loaf who?" "I loaf you!" I poke her nose as she giggles,
"Kris? Why are you and Sally laughing so hard?? It's kinda weird? And why won't you say them out loud?" BEN questions, "Hey BEN? Can you leaf me and Sally alone? It's kinda Nacho business," I look at him, "What do you mean is there something wrong?" "Muffins wrong," I say, I hear snickers at the table BEN goes quiet processing what I just said, "BEN.exe has stopped working," Jeff chuckled from across the table, BEN realized what I said, "God damn it," he mumbles, I grin widely at his response,
"It's okay Bennywenny," I coo and pat his head, "Also water you doing later?" I ask, "Playi-- WHATS WITH THESE PUNS?" BEN groans while smacking his head against the table, "Water you mean? I'm not saying any puns?" I ask curiously, BEN just sighs loudly in response, I giggle,
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(My seating plan for them, some aren't there because they usually eat outside aka hunt for food or they eat in their rooms,)
I stand up from my seat, "SlendyMom whys breakfast taking so long?" I ask walking into the kitchen, "Huh? Oh sorry I'm just a little bit out of it today Kris, sorry breakfast is ready anyways," "Oh okay, take your time, your food is always grate!" I chirp walking back to my seat, Slendy serves the food which is Bacon & Eggs, I smile and nibble on my bacon, "Slender I would be careful a certain person is in a Punny mood," I hear BEN mumble, "Oh? Which child is it? Is it LJ?" Slendy asks while cutting into his food, "Nope, it's a certain someone with four letters in their name is really pretty and who sits beside me, and likes blue," BEN mumbles even more,