I slowly stir awake to sit up and wipe away my drool from my mouth, I touch my hair and look at my clothes, 'Short shorts and a bra.. Comfyyy..' My mind has a slur to its voice as I think, I plop onto my back too lazy to get up, I start to think about what happened yesterday then the flood gates open and I remember, I groan and sit up, hugging my legs to my chest, I barrel roll off the bed and into my bathroom, I dizzily stand up and turn on the shower to burning hot, I lock the door and strip off my clothes, well more like only my shorts and underwear but whatever!
I grab an emergency towel from under the sink and emergency clothes too which contains a black T shirt, light blue jeans and white socks, with a dark blue hoodie, since someone named BEN always tries to OPEN THE DAMN DOOR! I put the necessities on the counter and dive into the shower, scrubbing my body until it's raw and red, I suppress a moan from the pain and finish my shower,
I get dressed and look at my fluffy hair, I narrow my eyes at it, "Could you not cooperate?" I ask myself, answering with a goofy voice "Ha NO why would I?" I narrow my eyes more and threaten my hair, "I WILL CUT YOU," I said upset, "That's not very nice," it replies, "I don't care about your feelings now shut up and LEAVE," I shout a little loudly, "I can't open the window dumbass"
"Why not?"
"Too slippery"
"God damn it fine you little shit" I growl and open the window,
"Thanks Mi'lady" I reply to myself again,
"Shithead" I mumble as the voice leaves,
I shut the window harshly then open the bathroom door to see LJ standing there with an eyebrow raised while tapping his foot,I shoot him a look, "The hell you want?" I ask,
"1: You 2: The answer to who were you talking to" he chuckles while blushing a bit,
"1: Very cheesy and I may kiss you for that, 2:Mind your own business" I smile and skip away from a blushing LJ, he appears in front of me, I roll my eyes, and slide underneath him, he gets confused then teleports in front of me again,
"Are we going to play fucking leap frog all day huge black n white rabbit cause if so hop to it,"
He chuckles and I see a yellow glowing string wrap around LJ's chest pulling him backwards, "Nice to see you again puppet Hahahaha" LJ laughs,
'Puppet' just frowned, he turned towards me and let out a purr, I just roll my eyes as he approaches me, I look around him at LJ to see him hanging on the ceiling, I let out a giggle at him which causes him to give a toothy smile and a funny face, I cover my mouth to keep from laughing while he bounces around on the string, Puppet just looks at me then him,As soon as Puppet looks at him LJ just stays there glaring not doing anything, as soon as he turns away he becomes silly again, I can't hold in my laughter anymore and laugh super hard, I roll onto the floor, I see a blurry shape head up the stairs, I start to sit up and rock back and forth trying to calm down, I hear someone say my favourite word, (B-o-l-o-g-e-n-a-) "Bolog na na na na nah" I start laughing again, I start to wheeze and finally say "Stop I-I'm dying.." Puppet smiles, "A hottie for a puppet? Score!" My face becomes a little more serious, "I'm a new pasta didn't you hear? And I'm pretty sure everyone here wouldn't want me dead," I say with a straight face, but that didn't last long I started to giggle again,
"LJ~ If you want that kiss as promised you.." I see him nod excitedly, "GOTTA CATCH ME!!" I say yelling he grins as I start running, "YOU'RE ON GIRLY!" he yells back, I laugh maniacally and jump down the stairs I scream, "WHOEVER CATCHES ME GETS A KISS!!" I hear a lot of shuffling and yelling, I run outside and grab a nerf gun, I feel a presence behind me and shoot at it, Offender, "NOW YOU DON'T COUNT SINCE I SHOT YOOOU" I celebrate in victory, he groans and teleports away,
I hear Jeff and shoot at him, he dodges and heads straight at me, before he touches me I duck under his legs and shoot him, he groans and mumbles, "I know I know.." as he heads inside, I smell blood beside me and turn to see EJ I grin, "WHOEVER I SHOOT BETTER PROTECT ME FROM THE OTHERS UNLESS THEY WANT ME TO KISS SOMEONE ELSE~" I sing, I hear quick footsteps and see Jeff and Offender appear beside me, I shoot EJ when he least expected it, he groans and protects me, I hand them nerf guns and feel a presence fall from above me, seeing BEN I nod to the others who nod back, I pause time and put water underneath him,

"Murderous Tendencies" My OC X Creepypasta
عاطفيةFINISHED These are my characters! (Except for the Creepypastas which belong to rightful owner) ⚠️THIS CONTAINS GRAPHIC AND GORY DETAILS AS WELL AS SEXUAL ACTS, THERE IS SWEARING YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!⚠️ Kris is a killer but, she has the same repeatin...