Flirty Deadpool? Kills

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I growled at the sun before swinging my feet to the cold floor, snapping my fingers my clothes change into a knee high white dress with a brown belt on my waist, fishnet stockings that have black shorts attached and brown heeled boots, with a leather watch to finish the look, I sit at my mirror and brush my hair, I start to braid my hair and as I do I get a knock on the door, "Come in~" I sing as I finish my braid, Toby peeks in and a light blush covers his cheeks, I begin to work on my makeup as I say, "Need anything tickers?"
"B-Breakfast I-s re-ready" he stutters and tics,
"Alright," I giggle as I get up from my chair, smoothing out my dress I mention
"We should go before Slender decides to screech,"

He nods and we walk downstairs together but separate one we get to the dining room, I take my seat and cross my legs, resting my folded hands on my knees I begin talking to Sally,
"Mommy you look pretty!" She giggles, I give a closed eye smile before booping her on the nose, she giggles again and boops me, I look at my nose and do a funny face causing her to laugh, I smile again but look over to the plate that was set in front of me, I eat some of it before standing and setting my plate on the counter, I rush back upstairs and grab my knife, putting it into its holder on my thigh, I cover it back up with my dress and take a revolver from under my pillow, I store that in my black purse I decided to bring, I also brought a grenade just in case I need a quick escape if I decide to do something,

I walk back downstairs, "I'm going out Slender," I say joyfully,
"With who?" He asks teleporting in front of the door, he crosses his arms and raises a non existent eyebrow, I roll my eyes,
"Nobody, is it not okay for me to go outside in fancy wear when you wear a suit everywhere?" He tries to make a comeback--(keyword: tries) --but can't think of any, he sighs and teleports to who knows where, I open to door and shout, "BYE PEOPLE!" I close the door behind me before hearing a couple of 'byes' and some 'where are you goings' which I ignore,

(OKAY WAIT WAIT WAIT! WHAT EVER I SAY IN THIS STORY DOESN'T ACTUALLY HAPPEN IN TORONTO(IM BASING IT OFF OF NY TECHNICALLY) SO DON'T THINK THAT IM CORRECT ABOUT IT. THIS IS JUST A STORY!)((p.s there are warnings about sexual content and rape. If you have this trauma or have bad experiences with this type of stuff I'd rather you skip this chapter and miss stuff then have you remember traumatic events, viewers you have been warned))

I walk towards the portal and I open it, I set it to Canada and went into the portal closing it behind me, I end up in some sort of park, I check my watch to see that they have a different time, I shrug and begin walking out of the park, and down the sidewalk, gazing at all the buildings this place has to offer, 'I wonder where this is..' I think to myself, before walking past an alley way to hear crying, I stop in my tracks and walk down the skinny path to see a woman, at least in her 20's sitting on the ground crying while naked, my eyes widen and I rush over to her, I set my bag down and sit on my knees, making sure my dress doesn't get dirty I take her face from her hands, "Are you okay darling?" I ask while holding her face in my hands,

=Kleidung Kleidung, zusätzliche Kleidung(translation: Clothes clothes, extra clothes)= she sniffles and shakes her head, I shush her, "We're going to get you dressed now okay?" I tell her in a calm and quiet voice, she nods, 'I may be a killer but I feel bad for women like these..' I say in my head while sighing, I help her stand and I take out extra clothes, I help her get into the clothing and sit her back down, I take out an emergency brush and begin to brush through her knotted blonde hair, her brown eyes close at the feeling,

"Do you have a home here love?" I ask her,
"Y-Yeah.." She stutters her voice cracks, I give her one of my water bottles, she takes a big drink out of it before handing it back,
"I'll take you to your home okay?" I say quietly, she nods in response I feel a presence enter the scene and pretend to not notice, I grab my bag then help her stand, "You've just gotta walk towards your house and I'll follow okay?" I whisper, she nods and begins walking, I walk with her arm on my shoulder so she can support herself, the presence seems to follow as we slowly make our way to an apartment building, "I t-think I'll be o-okay, Thanks f-for the help.." She trails off not knowing my name, "Kris," I smile at her happily, "Peon," she says back while attempting to smile, I shake my head,

"Murderous Tendencies" My OC X CreepypastaWhere stories live. Discover now