I wake up to being shaken violently, I groan "Whaaat?" I grit my teeth, "Kris get up! You're bleeding!" I hear a voice say,
"Jeffrey Woods leave me the fuck alone and let me bleed," I mumble while opening my eyes, I saw, indeed a wild smiley trash bag, he frowned, (If he can anyways) "Why would I let you bleed?" he asks turning his head to the side, "Beca--" "SHES ON HER PERIOD FUCKER!" I hear Jane yell at Jeff from downstairs,
I get rudely cut off by Jane and cross my arms, "FUCK OFF JANE YOUR LYING!" Jeff yells, "Surprisingly Jeff she's not wrong,"
"WHAT?" He yells not realizing it, I roll my eyes and bite his arm making him let me go, "Ow Krissy!" he whines, I mock him and swing my legs over the side of the bed,I stand up and grab my clothes, which contains a Black sweater, which I stole from EJ, (MUAAHAHAHAHA) a pair of denim jeans, white socks, white undergarments, and a black long sleeved shirt,
I walk into the bathroom locking it behind me as I turn on the shower, as I'm waiting for the shower to warm up I start to hum 'pop goes the weasel' I'm not sure why, I just thought of the song to hum, but I did, I took off my shirt and leggings(along with my undergarments) and hopped into the shower,
Quickly regretting my decision when I feel the water burn into my chest, I gasp and quickly turn it towards the cold, I sigh as I feel the water become perfect temperature(for a woman anyways) as I washed my body I felt an aura come nearby, I whispered a spell to make a black two piece swimsuit (Her normal swimwear) appear on my body, I see the curtain quickly get pulled back as I stare at the person, with my arms crossed, "BEN what the FUCK?" I yell at him, "WHY DO YOU WEAR A SWIMSUIT IN THE SHOWER!?" He exclaimed,
"Because I knew you would try something like this today," I reply simply,
"NOW CLOSE THE CURTAIN ITS COLD OUT THERE!" I hissed and pulled the curtain back, I continued to wash my hair as the curtain gets pulled away again, I slowly turn to glare at BEN,
"BEN if you don't want to die I suggest you run," a dark expression covers my face as I shut off the shower, his stupid eyeless holes widen, as he quickly turns around and starts running, I jump and roll out of the shower and bolt after him with my knife in my hand,"BEEEEENN~ COME HERE LOVE!" I growl, he has a panicked expression and continues running away,
"AS MUCH AS I LIKE BEING CALLED LOVE IM GOING TO HAVE TO DISOBEY YOUR ORDERS!" he yells behind him, he doesn't pay attention to where he's going so he smacks into a wall, I grin and lunge at him almost stabbing him in the stomach, he screams like a little sissy and holds my arm back, I feel a strong force pull me back, I internally groan as they drag me by the back of my bathing suit, I cross my arms over my black swimwear and grumble while hiding my knife in the waistband, I look up to see Sonic.exe dragging me away, I huff and let myself be taken away, I look at BEN and grin while waving slowly, he just shivers and slowly raises his hand up to wave, I giggle as I see him fix his hat,We turn the corner as he lets go of my swimsuit, causing me to tumble onto my back, making my head hit the ground, "Ow" I sit up and glare at Sonic.exe, "Why're you in swimwear?" He asks bluntly, I shake my head, "I knew BEN would try to peep at me in the shower?" I shrug, making it sound more like a question, Sonic sighs while crossing his arms, "That's what this is about?" He tsks and pretends to not care, 'He is SO DEAD!' He thinks of ways to murder BEN, I just stand up and brush myself off and walk calmly into my room,
I put clothes over my bathing suit just in case SOMEONE got the idea to watch me change, I whispered a spell "Schnell Badeanzug, um keine Zeit zu ändern! beeil dich, beeil dich, bevor ich versage!" (Translation: Quick Bathing Suit to change no time at all! hurry up hurry up before i fail!) I felt lighter as the wet bathing suit left my body, being replaced with my underwear I picked out, I smirk internally, I pull open my door as I see a small doll, it looks exactly like me! I turn my head sideways as I pick it up, I look both ways in the hallway and shrug, I walk to my bed and set down the doll, I study it closely pretending not to see a small red flashing light in the eye, I smile at it and leave the room, running downstairs without the doll,

"Murderous Tendencies" My OC X Creepypasta
Roman d'amourFINISHED These are my characters! (Except for the Creepypastas which belong to rightful owner) ⚠️THIS CONTAINS GRAPHIC AND GORY DETAILS AS WELL AS SEXUAL ACTS, THERE IS SWEARING YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!⚠️ Kris is a killer but, she has the same repeatin...