A bunch of games, B.B. (BENs beating) Nightmares, Masky love!

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I woke up to a stream of sunlight shining brightly in my eyes, I look down and see I'm in my outfit from yesterday, 'No wonder I couldn't sleep I'm in damn jeans,' I roll my eyes and flop out of bed, hitting my chin roughly on the floor, 'ouch' I say sarcastically but enjoy the pain, I get up from off the floor and walk over to my dresser, I begin brushing my hair as my door quietly creaks open, I see Dr. Smiley in the doorway,

"How can I help Doc?" I say while continuing to brush my hair,
'By giving me your heart..' "Oh uh.. I was looking to see if you had Jeff's antidote for his cuts,
I raised my eyebrow,
"If Jeff needs the antidote tell him to come here, I'm not giving the antidote to anyone," I turn around and give a stern look,
"I wanted to know how to make it.." He replies, I continue staring at him then sigh,
"Alright come here," I wave him over, he nods and walks over taking a seat on my bed, I stand up and unlock the bedside drawer, I take the antidote and show him the jar, he goes to grab it but I pull it away from his grasp,
"Aren't you wondering what the catch is?~" I snicker, his eyes widen,
"Catch? What is it?" He glares at me, I clasp my hands together will the antidote still in my hand I give a closed eye smile and say, "You gotta smell out the ingredients, You aren't allowed to touch," he gives me a 'WTF' look then facepalms, "Fine,"
"AND! You're allowed to look and have one question," I add, he nods and I unclasp my hands, I open the jar and sit beside him, I show him the inside of the jar, he sniffs, "Water?" I nod, he looks like he has a staring contest with the liquid before he asks, "What's one other ingredient?" I look at him, "Pepper." I state,

He widens his eyes and looks at me, I nod and smile, I shut the jar and put it away, "I'm guessing you don't know what else is in it?" I question, he nods and waves to me while getting up, he closes the door behind him before he leaves, I poof into a off the shoulder crop top that is light blue, dark blue short-shorts, and a pair of white sneakers, I leave my room but get my shoulder grabbed by a damn midget, "BE--" I get cut off when I get teleported into a familiar game, I look around and see that I'm in some sort of camp, then I see a sign that says 'CRYSTAL LAKE' I begin to sweat bullets, "Please say this is fake and I'm not actually here.." I mumble then look around, I see someone I recognize as Chad, I grab my head and sigh, "fucking midget.." I mumble quietly cursing out BEN, I see others nearby chad standing around a campfire, 'Here we fuckin go, they're lucky I can survive,' I think to myself, I hear a thump and see a dude (who no one knows the name of) getting cooked in the campfire,

I silently giggle then start running away up to a house, I swing open the door and slam it closed again, locking it then I begin to search drawers, I find a pocket knife, Health spray, and car keys, then I hear a voice in my head, 'if you survive Kris, you get to leave this gAmE!' 'That bitch ass boy!' I groaned but opened the window, I swung my leg on the ledge and stepped onto the grass, I see Jason destroying a door in the distance and a scream, I open the door to the next door and see an axe on the table, I take the axe and touch the blade, I giggle insanely when it cuts my finger then I lock the doors, I search dressers, night stands, desks, but I don't find anything, I pout internally and open another window, but before I leave I hear Jason's music outside,

"Jason~" I coo while holding my axe in one hand, I stand still holding my axe while staring at the door he's breaking down, "..." He stays quiet, "Do you remember me dear~?" I grin insanely with my eyes widened creepily, he stands motionless in the doorway then I hear a crackling voice, "Kris?" I grin wider, "Nice to see ya!~ why don't you... HUSH NOW!?" I begin to laugh while charging after him, he takes a step back causing me to miss, I growl and pounce on him smacking him straight in the head, getting his red blood on my face and hands, "TAKE A SEAT!" I giggle loudly, he falls backwards, I stand looking at him, he gets up quietly and quickly, he keeps stepping away till he's outside away from the approaching me,

"Murderous Tendencies" My OC X CreepypastaWhere stories live. Discover now