Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Tony Stark was very, very angry. He had been in the middle of designing a new weapons system for the Suit when, all of a sudden, a hovercraft crashed through the ceiling and strange looking people dressed in all white dragged him into it and strapped him down to a chair.

No matter how hard he cursed or threatened to sue, there was no response from any of them! He had tried calling Director Fury but his phone had no signal.

Some black guy with the nametag 'Cinna' came into the hovercraft and released him from the chair. Tony Stark jumped up. "Alright, where am I?!" he demanded. "Someone will notice that I am missing and then the whole U.S government and the rest of the Avengers will be after whoever you are!"

Cinna shook his head and took a folded jumpsuit out from behind his back. "Put this on," he commanded. "It will help keep you alive. If you do not wear it, I promise that you will die from either heat or hypothermia."


There was no answer, and Tony Stark took the suit cautiously.

He put it on. He didn't want to die.

Suddenly, Cinna took a syringe and jabbed it into Tony's arm before he could even think.

"This is your tracker," he said, as everything started to fade from Tony's vision, "and something to keep you quiet for the rest of the ride. And normally I hate the Hunger Games too, but I actually think that this one's gonna be pretty darn cool!"

Tony blacked out.

*     *     *

When he awoke, he was slumped down into an uncomfortably tight glass tube. There were people in the small room in front of him.

He stood up.

"Okay, where the H-E-double-machine-guns am I?!"

No response.

"When I get out of here, I will sue the heck out of all of you! All of you!" he said threateningly.

No response.

"Oh, come on! You've got to be scared by that," he whined. "I have the best lawyers in Manhattan, and-"

All of a sudden, the circular disk of a floor beneath him started to rise.

"What the-"

"The Supergames will be brutal," a man whispered. "You will most likely not survive."

The pedestals rose into a clearing surrounded by dense forest with all the contestants on them. The countdown began.


The Storm Trooper started to say, "Hey! Where am I, Kashyyyk? I'll be reporting this to Darth Vad-" and stepped off. There was a huge explosion, and a cannon fired.


Spiderman turned to Tony Stark and said,

"I think I saw a movie like this before. It had something to do with people fighting to the death...."

"What, Gladiator?"


"Battle Royale?"

"No.....I think it began with an H.....Hunger something, maybe?"

"Oh, I don't know then. Sorry, dude."


Just then, Jacob looked at Edward, and Edward looked at Jacob.

"You know that this is a fight to the death, right?" Edward asked.

"Yeah!" Jacob grinned. "And if you're dead, Bella will have no choice but to choose me!"

"But dude, she's married to me."

"Aw, shut up!"


Sonic suddenly took off running across the clearing too fast for the explosions of the pedestal mines.


"Sorry, but I'm going with the blue guy," Spiderman said. "Have fun!" He then used his webs to swing to a tree, and took off through the forest.


Magneto then thought to himself, Crap! This jumpsuit seems to inhibit my metal attracting abilities!


Everyone took of running except Tony Stark. "Where is everyone going?" Confused, frustrated and bored, he turned and walked into the forest.

Link made a dash to a sword. He made it and took down a distracted Mr. Fantastic.

Batman bumped into a scared Zelda and slapped her, but Link attacked from behind and speared Batman through the heart. "No one touches Zelda!" he yelled. They then ran off to a mountain in the distance.

Dr. Eggman knew he only needed poor small animals to manipulate to make weapons. He ran to the forest.

Harry Potter and Snape didn't need anything, since their wands were in their jumpsuits, so they ran off in opposite directions.

The Green Goblin approached Joker, made an alliance with him, and they took off on the Green Goblin's hover board which he had picked up at the Cornucopia.

Han Solo was becoming frustrated for not finding a blaster, but his frustration didn't last long. Wolverine surprised him and killed him.

As Mario was running off he saw Goomba wadling along, as oblivious and stupid as ever. He ran towards it and jumped on it's head.

Jacob and Edward began fighting for Bella. All of a sudden Gale and Peeta began fighting for Katniss.

Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch as the Hulk transformed and ran over Dr. Doom.

"Hulk, SMASH!" he roared.

Dr. Doom went splat! on the grass.

The Hulk nodded, smiling. "Bad guy no good! Bad guy go splat! OOH! PRETTY BIRDY! HULK GO GET PRETTY BIRDY!" he roared, before running to the forest and ripping trees out of his way.


Gale grabbed Jacob and demanded an alliance. He gladly agreed and they ran off. Peeta and Edward did the same.

The chaos settled down. In a less than three minutes the clone, Mr. Fantastic, Batman, Han Solo, Goomba, and Dr. Doom were defeated. 18 Super-tributes remained.

The President was in rage that Sonic and Spiderman ran off before the Games had even started. He wanted them dead.

*     *     *

Back in District 12, Katniss was watching the Supergames with her mom and sister, munching popcorn and sipping Coke.

"Thank God it's not me this time!" she said, grinning.

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