Dating Ralsei Would Include

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• Him being super overprotective of you

• Giving him little kisses to make him blush

• Baking together and making the biggest mess ever

• Stealing his hat

• You being super affectionate in public and him being super embarrassed but loving it

• Cuddles for days

• Soft Blankets and hot chocolate

• Him always healing you in battle , just to make sure you're ok, even though you don't need it

• Hugs

• Booping his nose and him getting annoyed

• Reading Books at the library ( does the dark world have a library?!?)

• So many "I love you"s are said

• Missing him so much when you have to go back to the real world

• Staying in the dark world sometimes just to stay with him

• Braiding / playing with his fur/fluff

• Scented Candles

• Susie makes fun of you guys sometimes, but she secretly ships it HARD

• Flower Crowns

• Nicknames

• He doesn't understand the point of Nicknames at first, but then starts to use them all the time

• Holding Hands


Ralsei is so cute

This was so fun to write

So fluffy

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